The 7-Step Plan to Manage Your Anger

Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools. Ecclesiastes 7:9

Do you often get angry at the slightest provocation? Do you know that anger is the number one cause of conflict in relationships and leads to depression, loss of productivity, ruined careers, physical violence, and financial loss?

First, you need to understand that anger is a normal and healthy emotion that will help you intuitively detect and respond to a threatening situation. However, when it gets out of control, it causes stress, sickness, and unhappiness.

Given below is a seven-step plan that will help you efficiently manage your anger.

  1. Own your anger–Acknowledge that you are responsible for your feelings. You are the one who gets to choose how you feel. When you choose how to feel, other people can’t make you angry.
  2. Analyze the situation–You need to ask yourself: “What exactly is happening here?” “What is the source of my anger?”
  3. Communicate your feelings–If you express your feelings, then you can also communicate to the person involved how you feel, what you are thinking, what you are looking to change, and how the situation has affected you.
  4. Ask for a response–You need to tell the person involved that you want to resolve the problem and would like a response. This will show your willingness to meet the needs of that person and also your intention to acknowledge and accept the differences.
  5. Listen actively–You need to listen actively by giving the other person your full attention and asking questions to understand his/her point of view. Do not interrupt when people are voicing their opinions.
  6. Summarize the issue–You need to come to an understanding with the other person what the real problem is and the underlying emotions.
  7. Solve the problem–You can resolve the issue by assessing the solutions and their pros and cons. The best solution should be acceptable to both parties involved. You may have to do some negotiation and compromise.

So, do not let anger control you and become a negative influence in your life. Taking charge of your anger will enable you to channel feelings into performance.

Always know that He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. Proverbs 16:32

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