An Inspiring Billy Graham Sermon — Practical Christian Living

How to Live the Christian Life is one of the most important questions that confront our minds. In this amazing sermon, Reverend Billy Graham provides us with insights on living a victorious Christian life. Watch the video and read the abstract given below it.

How to Live the Christian Life — A Billy Graham Sermon


Who is a Christian?

  1. A person that has made a willing decision to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Once that decision is made, the Holy Spirit comes and lives in you.
  2. A definite change in the way you live. A change in your attitude towards God, loving God supremely and putting HIM first in all the choices and decisions of your life. You must become unselfish. Love your neighbor as yourself.
  3. Thirdly, a Christian is a person that has accepted a challenge. A challenge to deny yourselves, take up your cross and follow Christ. Give your life to Christ and live for Him.

Guidelines for Living a Christian Life

  1. Spend time every day in prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit’s help in praying to God. Set a specific time to pray every day to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
  2. Read the Bible every day. To grow spiritually, keep the Word of God in your heart. It is food to the soul. Bible reading and study will lead to a victorious life. God has a message for you each day of your life. The Holy Spirit will interpret the Bible to you if you read it reverently.
  3. You need to have discipline in your lives. Discipline your mind, tongue, time, and body.
  4. Go to church regularly. You need to praise and worship God together. Work for Christ and his ministry.
  5. Witness for Christ. By the way you live, work, by being courteous and gracious. Let Christ radiate in your lives.

Christian living is a wholesome life for God’s Glory. Tell God that you will give your life, heart, and soul to HIM alone. Ask your sins to be forgiven in the name of Jesus. Ask him to change you completely and help you to live a Christ-centered life. Keep in mind your soul is very important as it lives for eternity.

Read and listen to our collection of inspiring and motivating sermons, which will remind you of the old ways of preaching the Gospel with passion and boldness.

Who is Billy Graham?

billy graham, billy graham sermon
Billy Graham (1918-2018)

Billy Graham was an ordained Southern Baptist minister who became a well-known evangelist internationally. Billy Graham preached the good news of the gospel to around 215 million people in more than 185 countries through his crusades, evangelistic rallies, and simulcasts. A Billy Graham sermon is powerful, profound, piercing, in alignment with the gospel, and relevant today as they ever were. Billy Graham is known as one of the most influential Christian leaders in the 20th century.

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