5 Unusual Tests of Faith in the Holy Bible and Their Outcomes

We have compiled a list of five unusual tests of faith found in the Scriptures.

In the Holy Bible, God commands certain people to do certain things that are unfathomable and incomprehensible. We cannot understand God’s infinite wisdom and instructions because we are mere mortals. The Almighty One never acts without a reason and purpose, and He is always looking out for our best interests.

These strange tests of faith will demonstrate why we should have complete trust in the Supreme Being and obey His commands without doubt.

5 Unusual Tests of Faith

tests of faith, the testing of your faith, testing of our faith
  1. The test for Abraham was God’s instruction to sacrifice his “only son,” the one through whom the Almighty had promised to make him a great nation (Genesis 22:1–2). The outcome of the test of faith was Isaac was saved by the Creator’s provision of a sheep for sacrifice. The Supreme Being made Abraham the father of nations and established a covenant with him that would last for generations.
  2. The widow of the town of Zarephath, who told Elijah she was about to prepare her last meal with a handful of flour and a few drops of oil before lying down and dying with her son, was directed to bake bread for the prophet beforehand (1 Kings 17:13). The result of the test of faith was that the flour jar and the oil jug were blessed by God, and they never ran out until the day the Lord sent rain on the country. The woman and her family were fed daily.
  3. The widow, who was going to lose her two children to creditors, was told to borrow jars from her neighbors (2 Kings 4:3). The outcome was God multiplied the small jar of olive oil she had, and she filled every jar until there was no jar left. She sold some of the oil and paid her debts. She used the remaining oil for her family’s survival.
  4. The leper Naaman, the commander of the army of the king of Aram, was told to wash seven times in the Jordan River (2 Kings 5:10). Despite his initial reluctance, he went down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan. The result was his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a little child.
  5. Though Jesus could have healed the blind man with a touch, the blind man was urged to wash at the Pool of Siloam (John 9:7, 11). Our Lord spit on the ground, produced mud with the saliva, applied it to the man’s eyes, and instructed him to wash in the pool. The result was that the man’s eyes were opened when he washed as directed, and he could see everything.

What would have happened if these instructions were not followed? There would have been no miracles if there had been no obedience. If we truly believe God’s Word, we will act on it, no matter how implausible its instructions may appear.

Remember, we shall always be rewarded if we trust in God.

tests of faith, the testing of your faith, testing of our faith

Tests of faith are primarily for our sanctification, and we should take advantage of any opportunity to place our complete trust in our Redeemer. Tests of faith are designed to teach us how to deal with hardships and temptations, as well as to confirm our obedience to God in the face of adversity. Tests of faith demonstrate that God never wants us to place a question mark, but rather a period, in our faith in Him.

Our thought picker articles will assist you in comprehending the Biblical foundation of teachings, encouraging you to get closer to the Lord, and enabling you to apply Christian moral concepts to everyday situations.

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