Behold the Lamb | 1 Glorious Communion Song | Maundy Thursday and Eucharist

Behold the Lamb is a beautiful communion song that is sacramental, devotional, creedal, inspirational, and evangelical.

For the Maundy Thursday service, Behold the Lamb is an appropriate Eucharist or communion song that helps us remember the events of the Last Supper, which took place on the first day of Passover or the Festival of Unleavened Bread. This scripture-based communion song is also versatile enough to be utilized at any time.

“Behold the Lamb” reminds us of our Lord and Savior’s ultimate sacrifice for our redemption. It is a brilliantly composed hymn that gets to the heart of our beliefs about Jesus’ genuine presence in the Eucharist.

With a very complex text and a gorgeous, soaring melody, this song conveys three essential Eucharistic ideas – communion, the superior efficacy of Christ’s atonement, and our food for the journey – clearly and beautifully.

The Behold the Lamb song is composed in the modern worship song form that is also congregationally accessible. Congregations can sing the refrain with increasing conviction as the song progresses until the last uplifting chorus gives way to a profound exclamatory state.

This hymn has great music, strong lyrics, and a catchy, ‘Gospel’ feel to it. It produces a beautiful ‘layered’ chorus of adoration that is constantly touching. This is one of the few Communion songs, which reflect the sense of the word Eucharist, which means “thanksgiving.” We must give thanks for everything from the wounds of Christ that heal us to His death that brings us eternal life.

This song reminds us of Christ’s ever-present presence with the believer, especially during the Lord’s Table Service, and beautifully combines heaven and Jesus’ oblation. The activity of sharing the sacred gifts of Christ’s body and blood is referenced in this communion song.

Jesus’ exhortation to have fellowship with one another is highlighted in this communion song. What makes this song even better is that it’s fairly upbeat and eschatologically oriented. It’s a moving, triumphant communion song that looks back while also looking forward.

Behold the Lamb (Communion Song)

Behold the Lamb (Communion Song) Lyrics

Behold the Lamb who bears our sins away,
Slain for us: and we remember:
The promise made that all who come in faith
Find forgiveness at the cross.

The body of our Savior, Jesus Christ,
Torn for you: eat and remember
The wounds that heal, the death that brings us life,
Paid the price to make us one.
So we share in this Bread of Life,
And we drink of His sacrifice
As a sign of our bonds of peace
Around the table of the King.

The blood that cleanses every stain of sin,
Shed for you: drink and remember
He drained death’s cup that all may enter in
To receive the life of God.
So we share in this Bread of Life,
And we drink of His sacrifice,
As a sign of our bonds of peace
Around the table of the King.

And so with thankfulness and faith
We rise to respond: and to remember
Our call to follow in the steps of Christ
As His body here on earth.
As we share in His suffering,
We proclaim: Christ will come again!
And we’ll join in the feast of heaven
Around the table of the King.

Maundy Thursday and Holy Communion

communion song, behold the lamb, communion lyrics, communion hymns, Eucharist song

Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday, commemorates Jesus Christ’s last supper right before His arrest, torture, crucifixion, and death.

The word ‘Maundy’ comes from the Latin phrase ‘Dias Mandatum,’ signifying “the day of the new commandment,” which Christ gave to His followers in John 13:34-35, telling us to love one another as He has loved us.

Holy Thursday is held in high regard by the Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic churches. In some denominations, the priest reenacts Christ’s humble washing of His disciples’ feet by washing the feet of members of the congregation during services held on this day. Worship continues late into the night after the Eucharistic rite, and many people stay in the church for a prayerful ‘vigil,’ recalling Jesus’ command to keep watch and pray with Him before His betrayal and arrest. Many churches do not hold a Mass until Easter Sunday, and also church bells are silenced during Good Friday and Holy Saturday. The main themes of Maundy Thursday are humility, servanthood, brotherly love, charity, and sympathy.

The Holy Communion or Eucharist is a call to unity, to be one in Christ, with the bread broken and wine poured symbolizing Jesus’ body broken for us and remembering the blood He shed for our sins. During the Holy Communion, God’s blessings are bestowed abundantly on us. The Eucharistic supper is full of joy, wonder, unity, thanks, and praise.

Our collection of inspirational contemporary Christian songs will rejuvenate your soul, bring Biblical truth to your life, and make your heart overflow with Godly passion.

For more awesome Christian Music check our Hymns Collection. You will find the background stories behind the hymns very interesting and informative. Sing along with the lyrics understanding the meaning of each song and fill your heart with joy.

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