Brilliant Poem of Hope — If I Meet God

If I Meet God” is one of the meditative Christian Poems, which is a Poem of Hope that one day by the Grace of God we will be able to meet Him and this will result in a new perspective in four dimensions: a new view of self, a new view of God, a new view of other people, and a new view of life itself.

Poem of Hope Christian Poems God

If I Meet God – Poem

If I meet God…
I will prostrate before Him and worship Him
Just like Prophet Daniel and Apostle John did!

If I meet God…
I will cry “Woe, unto me” and ask Him to forgive my sins
Just like Prophet Isaiah did!

If I meet God…
I will hear His still small voice and listen to all that He has to say
Just like little Prophet Samuel did!

If I meet God…
I will ask Him to bestow His wisdom to lead and govern
Just like King Solomon did!

If I meet God…
I will hear His commands and share it with my people and pray for them
Just like Prophet Moses did!

If I meet God…
I will not let go of Him until He blesses me and my family
Just like Patriarch Jacob did!

If I meet God…
I will thank Him for dying on the cross for me
And saving me from hell and protecting me from harm
And leading and guiding me each day!

Oh! How I wish I could meet God
I would be the most blessed soul ever!!!

Meeting God — A Poem of Hope

This amazing poem of hope is a realization that God loves us and that is the most profound truth. This poem of hope will fill your soul with warmth and raise our downcast souls and direct our eyes upon the One who is our hope and joy.

“Therefore thus I will do to you, O Israel;
Because I will do this to you,
Prepare to meet your God, O Israel!”
Amos 4:12

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