21 Ultimate and Fun Christmas Trivia Questions and Answers to Get You Going

Spice up your family’s Christmas party or dinner time with these Christmas trivia questions and answers. Wow, everyone you know, with your vast knowledge of Christmas trivia that will brighten any gathering. Some of these Christmas trivia questions and answers are simple, while others are more difficult, but they are all entertaining tidbits.

These entertaining Christmas trivia questions and answers are excellent for a boisterous game after dessert to test your loved ones’ knowledge of the most delightful season of the year. You will find out who knows the most about Christmas traditions, what the most popular Christmas music is, the reason behind Christmas colors, and why stockings are hung by the fireplace.

For many people, the Christmas season is a time to reconnect with their extended family over a nice Christmas meal, cruise around town gazing at Christmas lights, and sing classic Christmas melodies. If you are searching for a fun post-dinner activity with your family, these Christmas trivia questions and answers could be just what you are looking for. It can serve as a terrific bonding activity for your entire family.

These Christmas trivia questions and answers can be utilized for a virtual Christmas party, a holiday team building event, or a virtual trivia night at your workplace. The goal of these Christmas trivia questions and answers is to entertain and involve participants and provide learning experiences in this holiday season.

Start learning these Christmas trivia questions and answers now so you will be ready to surprise everyone on December 25. So, before the big day arrives, grab a few Christmas snacks and brush up on your Christmas trivia skills with these 21 delightful questions.

The Fun Christmas Trivia Questions and Answers

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  1. a) In real life, who is Santa Claus based on? b) In which modern-day country was he born?

a) St. Nicholas was a charitable, gift-giving priest who dedicated his life to serving the impoverished. b) He was born in Turkey around 280 A.D. (originally Patara, a city in the ancient district of Lycia, in Asia Minor)

  1. a) What does the red-and-white color scheme of Christmas candy canes mean? b) For a reason, candy canes are shaped like a shepherd’s canes. Do you have any idea why?

a) The color white symbolizes Jesus’ purity, while red symbolizes the blood He shed for humanity. b) To remind children about the shepherds that came to see the baby Jesus. (It is worth noting that candy canes began as straight white sticks.)

  1. How many gifts/presents were given in total in the carol “The Twelve Days of Christmas”?


  1. Which well-known Christmas song was originally written for Thanksgiving?

James Pierpont wrote the now-classic holiday tune “Jingle Bells” during a bout of homesickness while residing in Savannah, Georgia in the mid-nineteenth century. It was first composed for the Thanksgiving performance in his father’s church. In 1965, Jingle Bells became the first song to be transmitted from space.

  1. a) Do you know where Santa Claus lives? b) What are the two other names for Santa Claus that are commonly used? c) On Christmas Eve, what items are put out for Santa? d) What do you leave for the reindeer in your yard?

a) The North Pole is the abode of Santa Claus. b) Saint Nick and Kris Kringle are the commonly used names of Santa. c and d) Santa is given milk and cookies, while the reindeer are given carrots and oats.

  1. a) In the classic “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” how many reindeer were there? b) Who designed Rudolph, Santa Claus’ most popular reindeer? c) What are Santa’s reindeer’s names?

a) Eight. b) The poem did not include Rudolph. Rudolph was developed by Robert L. May in 1939 when he authored a Christmas-themed story-poem to lure consumers to his department store (Montgomery Ward). c) Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph are the names of Santa’s reindeer (Nine in all).

  1. In Spanish, Hawaiian, and Armenian, how do you say “Merry Christmas”?

In Spanish, it is Feliz Navidad, in Hawaiian, it is Mele Kalikimaka, and in Armenian, it is Shenorhavor Dzenount.

  1. Which plant, native to Mexico, is used to beautify houses with its red and green foliage?

Poinsettia. It was named after Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first U.S. ambassador to Mexico. In 1825, he brought the plant to the United States.

  1. a) What Christmas tradition was popularized by the legendary fairy tale Hansel and Gretel (by the Grimm brothers)? b) When did the custom begin?

a) Making and eating gingerbread houses. b) In the early 1800s in Germany.

  1. When was the first Christmas card sent, and who created it?

John Horsley designed the first Christmas card, which was mailed in 1843.

  1. a) Which country was the first to employ the Christmas tree tradition? b) What sort of tree is most commonly used as a Christmas tree? c) On top of a Christmas tree, what do people usually put? d) Who is credited with popularizing the Christmas tree tradition?

a) Germany. b) Nordmann Fir. c) Angel. It is also permissible to use a star. d) Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of the United Kingdom.

  1. What Christmas tradition was started when the original Saint Nicholas dropped gold down the chimney of the home of three destitute sisters?

Stockings by the fireplace, of course! (The gold was thrown down to assist the sisters in fulfilling their dowry and avoiding a life of indentured slavery.)

  1. a) What is the traditional Christmas dinner’s main course? b) What are the most popular side dishes for a traditional Christmas meal?

a) Turkey and stuffing. b) Baked ham, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy

  1. a) Which non-alcoholic milk-based beverage is popular throughout the Christmas season? b) Which country is the inventor of the beverage?

a) Eggnog. “Milk punch” is another name for eggnog. b) The United Kingdom (13th century).

  1. a) If you were making a traditional bread sauce, what would you put inside an onion? b) Which two veggies are crossed in a swede?

a) Cloves. b) A turnip with a cabbage

  1. Who invented the first Christmas light display with electric bulbs?

Thomas Edison, a famous inventor. To promote his light bulbs, he put up the first Christmas display comprised of electric lights in 1880. Edward Johnson, a colleague of Thomas Edison’s, invented the first string of Christmas lights a few years later.

  1. How quickly would Santa’s sleigh have to go to deliver gifts to all of the world’s children?

According to the Telegraph, the speed is around six million miles per hour. Dr. Katy Sheen, a physicist at Exeter University, calculated that Santa would travel so fast that his reindeer would break the speed of sound, taking into account the number of kids around the world that celebrate Christmas (about 700 million) and the total amount of time Santa would have owing to time zone variances (31 hours).

  1. What is the most recorded Christmas song? Which Christmas song is the best seller of all time?

According to Time, “Silent Night” is the most recorded Christmas song of all time, while Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” holds the Guinness World Record for the best-selling single.

  1. What are the three colors associated with Christmas?

The colors are red, green, and gold. Many believe that the colors red and green were inspired by Jesus’ life, whose birth we commemorate on Christmas. Green, for example, depicts Jesus Christ’s eternal life. Similarly, red depicts the blood of Jesus Christ shed at his crucifixion. The Son of God is frequently represented by bright gold, which brings light into the darkness. The lovely metal was also one of the gifts presented to the infant Jesus by the Wise Men, and it is still a popular holiday gift.

  1. The day following Christmas, December 26th, is known as?

Boxing Day is a holiday celebrated on December 26 in the United Kingdom and some Commonwealth nations, including Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, in which workers, traders, and the needy were traditionally given gifts. It had become a day linked with shopping and athletic events by the twenty-first century.

  1. Which political cartoonist is largely responsible for the present Santa Claus’ appearance?

Thomas Nast. For the January 1, 1881 issue of Harper’s Weekly, He sketched a depiction of Santa Claus, and the mainstream press ran with it. It became the graphic representation of Santa Claus we are all familiar with.

We hope you enjoyed learning these Christmas trivia questions and answers. Merry Christmas to all.

Get inspired this holiday season with our fantastic collection of Christmas articles, which includes remarkable facts, fascinating histories, joyful melodies, spectacular activities, inspiring Bible verses, riveting stories, passionate prayers, and much more.

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