Footprints in the Sand Poem — 3 Simple and Inspirational Lessons

Footprints in the Sand is a popular and inspirational poem about having faith and trust in God and knowing that He is always with us, carrying us especially in times of need and difficulty.

Footprints in the Sand Poem

footprints in the sand, footprints in the sand poem, footprints prayer

Footprints in the Sand poem is a special poem that has had an emotional and spiritual impact on believers over the years as it speaks about the Christian’s walk with God. However, it is not a Bible verse but a poem claimed to have been written by four authors, including Burrell Webb, Mary Stevenson, Margaret Fishback Powers, and Carolyn Joyce Carty.

The mood of this poem is somber relating to anyone with personal struggles who questions God’s presence in his/her life. The tone of this modern poem is empathetic and calming making us feel loved and grateful as we know that we are never alone, especially during our most trying times, and God is always by our side, shielding and protecting us throughout this life.

3 Lessons from the Footprints in the Sand Poem

Here we will look at three inspirational and unique lessons from the Footprints in the Sand poem.

We will Have Troubles in this World — Even when we have absolute faith in God, we will all experience hardship and sadness in this life. We will have our ups and downs, and sometimes we become depressed, discontent, and disconnected. Even the richest people on Earth have troubles of their own, which their wealth cannot solve. Everyone goes through tough times in their lives.

God is Always by Our Side — When we go through difficult times, we feel God is no longer working in our lives. We assume that He has ignored our cries for help and does not care about us. We feel we are alone, and God is no longer walking with us. However, we must understand that God is always with us, even during times of trouble, illness, and struggles. He always walks beside us taking care of our needs, and when the going gets tough, He starts carrying us as a Father bears his son or daughter. (Refer Deuteronomy 1:31)

We Never Have to Fear — Knowing that God is with us every step of the way, we should not fear anything or anyone. If God is by our side, no one can be against us (Romans 8:31). When we face adversities, we must remember that God is our defense and He will deliver us from any situation (Psalm 59:16, Psalm 34:17). We should remember that fear will take the joy out of our lives, but trusting in God will bring peace and happiness in our lives.

Our eclectic collection of Christian poems contain life-changing Christian teachings, themes, or references. Christian poems are a subtle way to express our thanks to God for His wonderful grace, His wonderful creation, and His beloved Son. When you read these Christian poems, thank our Almighty God for working in your life, setting you free, and helping you become more aware of His presence in you.

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  1. Sherifat 19th November 2022

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