Jesus the Greatest Human in History | 5 Revealing Truths

Let us now try to understand Jesus the Greatest Human in history through the scriptures.

Jesus the Greatest Human in History

Jesus is the greatest human who ever walked on earth. He lived 2,000 years ago in Israel. According to the Holy Bible, He is the incarnate Word of God, totally human and entirely divine, the Creator and Redeemer of the World.

He was born in Bethlehem to the Virgin Mary. He lived a life of a carpenter in Nazareth, Galilee, and was a renowned teacher who performed many healing and deliverance miracles. Christ was far more than a prophet, a great teacher, or a saintly figure. He chose 12 Jewish men to follow him and worked with them closely to train and prepare them to continue His ministry on earth.

He was crucified on a Roman cross as an atoning sacrifice for the world’s sins to bring about human redemption. He rose again and ascended into Heaven. He will come back as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to judge the world. The four Gospels of the New Testament detail the life, message, and ministry of Jesus the Greatest.

jesus the greatest

Why Jesus the Greatest?

In Heaven and on Earth, Christ has been given complete authority. He is the High Priest, the Reigning King, and the Passover Lamb. He is the Judge and the Lawgiver, the Eternal Redeemer, and a Trustworthy Scribe. He is the Good Shepherd, the Prince of Peace, and the Messiah.

Christ instructed his disciples to pray in His name and proclaimed Himself to be the Son of God. He declared himself to be on par with God, even claiming to be God by declaring, “I and Father are One.” He stated that He should be accorded the same respect as the Father. He is revered as God, equivalent to God the Father. To see Him, He asserted, was to behold God. Receiving Him was receiving God, and believing in Him was believing in God. And to respect Him was to respect God, whilst to despise Him was to despise God. He also said that He existed before Abraham and that He was I am.

Jesus is the bridegroom, omnipotent ruler, and all-powerful judge. The very first and the very last. He possesses God’s characteristics of omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence.

Christ is the Refuge, the Restorer, the Mediator, and the Truth-Spirit. He is a marvelous counselor, living water, and a mighty fortress. He is the God of consolation and the Lord of healing.

Jesus declared Himself to be the only way, the pure truth, and the absolute life. And there is no other way to Heaven than through Jesus Christ. If someone enters through Him, He is the door. Jesus will bring justice to the world. Jesus the Greatest is the Almighty, the Alpha and Omega, Who Is, Was, and Will Be.

Why should we trust in Jesus the Greatest?

God has given us life through Jesus, who is the Living Bread. Whoever comes to Him will not be hungry; whoever trusts in Him will never thirst. There is life in Jesus Christ, and that life is the light of men. He is the architect of everlasting salvation. He is the resurrection and the life, and brings the dead back to life, and creates new things out of nothing. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, will live even if he dies. He upholds all things and forgives sins. He redeems us from everlasting destruction and gives us eternal life.

Jesus recognizes us by name, remembers us, and will battle for us. He is our refuge; He has a plan for us and is always at our side. He can restore what we have lost and add years to our lives. He is our Kinsman, our instructor, and our sacrifice.

Jesus hears our petitions and understands our anguish. He is well aware that we are stressed, fatigued, and worried. He comforts the lonely and provides solace to the oppressed.

Mountains are moved when we speak Jesus’ name. Darkness flees and chains are broken at the sound of His great name. The name of Jesus Christ our Lord has the potency of giving a believer whatever he needs on earth: power, authority, healing, and deliverance.

Jesus the Greatest is the reason for our existence and the purpose of our lives. He is sufficient for us, and He is all we require.

Jesus the Greatest | 5 Revealing Truths

Are you intrigued by or desire to know more about Jesus, his life, and his teachings or any aspect of His life on earth? Check our series of articles on Jesus Christ that are both comprehensive and easy to understand.


  1. Kashif karamat 19th July 2023
    • bibiliumlearn 20th July 2023

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