40 Faith-Filled Lent Quotes to Help You Finish Your Awesome Lenten Journey

The 40 days Jesus Christ spent in the wilderness preparing for his sacrifice and death on the cross inspires the Lenten season. Enjoy these 40 inspirational Lent quotes, which might include giving up things, emphasizing prayer, drawing closer to God, planning for Easter, and discovering methods to care more for the welfare of others than for one’s good. 

As Easter approaches, many of us reflect on the previous year and prepare for celebrating Jesus’ resurrection during the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and the Holy Week. If we haven’t opened our Bible for a while now, here’s a short overview of how it all works. The Lenten season will begin on Ash Wednesday and end on Holy Thursday. On that day, the Thursday before Easter, Jesus dined with his followers to commemorate Passover before being betrayed and condemned to death on the cross on Good Friday.

lent quotes

Lent is a 40-day time of introspection, self-examination, repentance, reconciliation, fasting, almsgiving, and prayer that precedes Easter Sunday’s festivities. Each year, believers observe Lent to remember their profound need for the Almighty One, as well as giving up a habit or a favorite food item that they’ve grown to depend on or crave for, have been relishing or valuing more than communion with God, or spend much too much time pursuing.

lent quotes

Lent is a season of preparation for individuals who want to grow closer to God. It is a chance to confess any misdeeds and seek forgiveness from the Supreme Being. It is a time of contemplation and preparation for Good Friday and Easter Sunday. It is also a period to refresh the confidence and faith in the Holy Triune God. We can get motivated by these beautiful lent quotes that offer significant ideas about the essence of Lent, which are stated below.

These lent quotes will encourage us to keep praying, fasting, and persevering during the Lenten season and beyond. If we gave up after a week, now is an excellent opportunity to pick up where we left off or perhaps try something new. We should keep walking with Christ and should not lose hope. God will bless us with His graceful presence if we keep following His commandments.

In the splendor and magnificence of what is to come, we should be humble. We must be gentle and patient and put our faith in God. For everlasting life, sacrificing our desires and temptations is a little price to pay. Lent is a great time to plant the seeds of hope for the future. The Lenten period is a spiritual journey that brings us closer to God’s light. Happiness and rejoicing will spring from the gloom and despair when we remember that Son of the Living God rose from the dead and went to Heaven to sit on the right hand of the Father Almighty and will come back again to receive us into His eternal glory.

These lent quotes can provide comfort and fortitude. To correspond to the 40 days of Lent, there are 40 lent quotes of wisdom. We must allow these inspirational lent quotes to encourage us over the 40-day lent period.


40 Lent Quotes for 40 Days of Lent

These memorable lent quotes are relevant whether you’re searching for a daily devotional to add some more purpose to your journey, want to spend your Lent spreading some meaningful thoughts with friends and family, or need a little inspiration for your Lenten social media postings.

To motivate your friends, family, and loved ones, share these Lent quotes with them. With these insightful sayings, you can help others find significant meaning and spiritual enlightenment during the Lenten season. Share them with loved ones who are on the spiritual road with you.

Our articles on Lent will help you understand the need for God’s presence in your lives and use this season as a time of repenting, sobriety, refocusing, and renewing. Practice prayer, observe fasting, give up something, and assist those in need.

Check our amazing collection of quotes that will inspire positivity, happy feelings, serenity, and spirituality. Our motivating quotes will boost your spirit and put you in the right frame of mind as you start your day.

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  1. Jerome 25th April 2022

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