1 Meaningful Prayer for Faith | Trusting God in Good or Hard Times

This prayer for faith is what you need during this time of crisis and challenge. Say this prayer for faith with confidence and without unbelief so that it would be heard and answered by the Almighty Father. God will help you when you acknowledge Him as the gracious provider of all things.

This prayer for faith will boost your morale and take away all doubt you might have toward the Lord and His Word. The focus of this prayer for faith is that you trust God to make His plan a reality in your lives. You should be humble enough to allow Him to work through you.

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An Earnest Prayer for Faith

Gracious Heavenly Father,

We worship You as our Companion. We worship You as our Deliverer. We worship You as our Healer. We worship You as our Keeper. We worship You as our Protector. We worship You as our Provider. We worship You as our Redeemer. We worship You as our Savior. We worship You as our Shepherd. We worship You as our Sustainer. We worship You because You mean everything to us. In You, we live and move.

Dear Lord, there’s no one like You who can understand our weaknesses and suffering.

Give us, O God, the faith of Abraham when we walk in this world as strangers and pilgrims. Give us, O God, the faith of Isaac when enemies block our progress. Give us, O God, the faith of Jacob when we are cheated by our relatives. Give us, O God, the faith of David when stones and arrows are aimed at us. Give us, O God, the faith of Ezra and
Nehemiah when opposition mounts up against our work and ministry.

Give us, O God, the faith of Ruth as we walk the thorny path of widowhood. Give us, O God, the faith of Job when we are tempted to even curse our birthday. Give us, O God, the faith of the Psalmist when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Give us, O God, the faith of Ezekiel when we are called to minister to dead congregations. Give us, O God, the faith of Daniel when we are under the pressure of rulers to deny our faith. Give us, O God, the faith of Prophet Habakkuk to rejoice in Your Salvation even if all material blessings are stopped.

Give us, O God, the faith of the Virgin Mary to believe You for the humanly impossible. Give us, O God, the faith of Simeon to wait for the fulfillment of Your prophetic promises even if it is delayed long. Give us, O God, the faith of Simon Peter to turn to You even after many failures. Give us, O God, the faith of Paul to keep moving forward amidst trials, tribulations, and threats.

Father God, we thank You for Your Word which pumps faith into our veins. We thank You for Your Son who, as the Author and Finisher of our faith, prays for every one of us so that our trust may not fail amid repeated temptations. We thank You for Your Spirit for the gift of faith He bestows on us for inordinate situations. We thank You for the fellow saints who encourage and persuade us to stand firm in the faith.

We submit this prayer in the Holy and Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!

Remember that this prayer for faith will not be answered unless you obey God’s commandments, live a life pleasing to God, acknowledge your lacks and needs to God, and ask in faith without wavering. This prayer for faith will reset your conscious thinking from disbelief to a state of belief. Believe that this prayer for faith will not go unanswered though God may disallow your requests for specific blessings according to His infinite wisdom.

The peace of God, which is yours in Jesus, will guard your heart and mind in these difficult times.

Do you find yourself struggling with how to pray and what to pray for? Read our popular prayers for various situations and needs that are directed to fulfill personal needs or deep spiritual enlightenment. These prayers will comfort, help, and guide you when you are worried, suffering loss, or facing uncertainty in your life.

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