Mind-Blowing Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross | 25 Key Takeaways

The seven last words of Jesus that He spoke while hanging on the cross have not only captivated countless individuals throughout history but also hold profound lessons that transcend cultural boundaries. These seven last words of Jesus, filled with conviction, offer valuable insights into the depths of His character and the universal principles they embody.

These seven last words of Jesus are presented chronologically, according to the approximate sequence of events recorded in the four canonical gospels.

Because of the immeasurable love of the Heavenly Father for humans, Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself as an atonement for our sins, as well as the transgressions of the entire world. To save us from eternal death and to give us eternal life, Christ the Savior died. Jesus made seven defining statements during His final hours on the cross, which lasted about six hours.

These seven last words of Jesus are to be treasured by us because they reveal the depth of Christ’s suffering to achieve redemption for humanity. These seven last words of Jesus were spoken between the time of his crucifixion and his death. These utterances reveal both Jesus’ divinity and humanity and the intensity of the agony and suffering He endured.

If we were in the multitude witnessing Jesus suffer that day, we would have heard Him make seven incredible statements. Not only because of the distress, anguish, and hardship He endured but also because of the great significance they represented, these seven last words of Jesus are remarkable in their content and accuracy.

As believers, we should contemplate the gift of redemption during this Lenten season. Remembering Jesus’ pain while He was crucified by Roman soldiers on the Cross is incredibly powerful, isn’t it? These seven last words of Jesus when He hung on the cross in the final hours of His earthly life teach us to be more humble and obedient to God’s will.

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Life-Changing Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ

The seven last words of Jesus indicate not only what was most important to our loving Master, but also how some of them contributed to the fulfillment of messianic prophesies concerning that historic day.

These meaningful seven last words of Jesus provide us with understanding, guidance, encouragement, and hope. Let us delve into these seven last words of Jesus Christ and discover the timeless lessons they impart.

An In-depth Analysis of the Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ on the Cross

The First Word — Jesus Prays to the Heavenly Father (The Seven Last Words of Jesus)

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do” (Luke 23:34)

Through this prayer, Jesus was effectuating the prophecy in Isaiah 53:12, foretold hundreds of years earlier, that He would make “intercession for the transgressors.”

Even though we were all adversaries of the Father in Heaven because of our wrongdoings, as Jesus’ words here so compellingly illustrate, He never avoided or shunned or treated us with disdain.

Jesus had demonstrated His ability to pardon sins throughout his ministry. He had instilled in His believers the grace to forgive those who wronged them. Now, Jesus put what he had preached into practice, forgiving his tormentors. Christ’s heart was focused on others rather than Himself amid this period of great agony. We can perceive the depth of His love in this image: boundless and magnificent.

Because they did not identify Jesus as the Messiah, those who crucified Him were unaware of the full magnitude of what they were doing. While their lack of knowledge of divine truth did not make them deserving of forgiveness, Jesus’ prayer in the face of their mockery is an expression of heavenly grace’s limitless mercy.

Analysis of the First Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus

A Prayer for Forgiveness: The first word is a prayer uttered by Jesus, in which he intercedes on behalf of those who are crucifying him and those responsible for his crucifixion. He addresses God as “Father,” indicating his deep connection with the divine and his role as the Son of God. This prayer is a remarkable demonstration of Jesus’ love, compassion, and willingness to forgive, even in the midst of extreme suffering.

Understanding Their Ignorance: Jesus acknowledges that those crucifying him “do not know what they are doing.” This statement reflects Jesus’ profound insight into the human condition and the ignorance and spiritual blindness that often lead people to commit sinful acts. His prayer reflects both his understanding of human frailty and his desire for the salvation of all people.

A Message of Forgiveness: The first word carries a profound message of forgiveness and reconciliation. It underscores the central theme of Jesus’ ministry, which is the offer of forgiveness and salvation to all humanity. Even as he is enduring the agony of the cross, Jesus extends a plea for divine mercy on behalf of his persecutors.

A Model of Christian Ethics: This statement sets a powerful example for believers regarding forgiveness and love for one’s enemies. It challenges believers to emulate Jesus’ attitude of forgiveness and compassion, even in the face of injustice and cruelty.

In summary, the first word of Jesus on the Cross is a powerful expression of Jesus’ love and forgiveness, challenging us to emulate his attitude of compassion and mercy in our own lives. It reminds us of the transformative power of forgiveness and the central message of Jesus’ ministry.

Jesus’ first words demonstrate an extraordinary act of forgiveness, even in the face of unimaginable pain and suffering. He exemplifies the power of forgiveness, encouraging us to extend compassion to those who may wrong us. Jesus emphasizes the importance of recognizing that often people act out of ignorance, prompting us to respond with empathy and understanding.

The Second Word — Jesus Speaks to the Thief on the Cross (The Seven Last Words of Jesus)

“I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43)

Although Jesus was blameless, sinless, and not deserving of such a heinous death, He hung on the cross with two criminals beside Him on that terrible day. They were both guilty and deserving of punishment.

“One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: ‘Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!’ But the other criminal rebuked him. ‘Don’t you fear God,’ he said, ‘since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.’ Then he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ Jesus answered him, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.'”

Earlier both the criminals had despised Him, but later when one of them slandered Christ again, the other retorted, “Do you not even fear God?” He confessed their fair punishment and Jesus’ innocence, remembering that we all face God’s judgment.

Even more remarkable, he expressed confidence in Christ’s rule over the Almighty’s upcoming Kingdom (Luke 23:42). He recognized Him and proclaimed belief in Him as His personal Savior.

The second utterance is about forgiveness as well, but this time it is directed at a wrongdoer. Our Savior demonstrates His divine nature by offering paradise to a repentant transgressor. What a generous and loving redeemer. These words give us hope for redemption as we can clearly understand that if we turn our thoughts and petitions to Jesus Christ and accept His pardon, we will spend eternity with Him.

Interestingly, Jesus never responded to the crowd’s insults, mockery, and spitting on Him. When this remorseful thief humbly asked for forgiveness, He immediately reacted with sympathy and assurance. This demonstrates God’s compassion. Jesus convincing the dying man of everlasting salvation illustrates God’s grace poured out through faith.

Jesus’ reply to the robber was remarkable, as He assured him that he would share eternal life with Him in paradise on the same day. The criminal’s faith guaranteed him a place in God’s kingdom right away. This happened because the thief had declared his confidence in Jesus, recognizing Him for who He was, even at the hour of his death.

Analysis of the Second Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus

Conversion of the Thief: In this powerful moment, Jesus speaks to one of the two criminals crucified alongside him. Initially, both criminals insult and mock Jesus. However, one of them experiences a profound conversion. He acknowledges his guilt and the justice of his punishment while recognizing Jesus’ innocence. This criminal’s transformation highlights the redemptive power of Jesus’ presence even in the midst of suffering.

Faith and Salvation: The repentant thief’s plea, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom,” is an expression of faith. Despite his dire circumstances and imminent death, he places his trust in Jesus as the Messiah and seeks salvation. In response, Jesus offers him a remarkable promise of eternal life: “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” This illustrates the concept of salvation by faith and grace, not by works.

A Model of Grace: The interaction between Jesus and the thief exemplifies God’s boundless grace and mercy. The thief had no opportunity for restitution or good deeds, yet he is assured of paradise solely based on his faith and confession. This demonstrates that salvation is accessible to anyone, regardless of their past, if they turn to Jesus in repentance and faith.

A Message of Inclusivity: The second word underscores Jesus’ inclusive message of salvation. It shows that no one is beyond the reach of God’s grace, and even those who have led lives marked by wrongdoing can find forgiveness and eternal life through faith in Christ.

In summary, the second word of Jesus on the Cross is a powerful testament to the transformative and redemptive power of faith in Christ. It teaches us about the nature of salvation, the inclusivity of God’s grace, and the depth of God’s love and mercy.

In this declaration, Jesus grants hope and reassurance to a repentant criminal hanging beside him. As believers, we are reminded that it is never too late to seek redemption and find solace in the promise of eternal life. Jesus teaches us that no matter our past mistakes, salvation, and grace are available to all who earnestly seek them.

The Third Word — Jesus Speaks to Mary His Mother and John His Disciple (The Seven Last Words of Jesus)

When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, “Dear woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” John 19:26–​27

The third of the seven last words of Jesus were addressed to His mother, Mary, and His beloved disciple, John. Jesus had an exceptional bond with John during His ministry on earth.

Turning his attention to Mary, his beloved mother, Jesus shows the significance of human relationships and the responsibility to care for one another. He teaches us to extend love and support to our family and friends, fostering a nurturing environment for those entrusted to our care. Jesus reminds us that in times of hardship, we can find strength by leaning on our loved ones and embracing the support they offer.

When Jesus was hanging on the cross, Mary was witnessing her grown Son despised by others and abandoned by friends. She would have been reminded of Simeon’s comments to her when Jesus was a baby, “And a sword will pierce your very soul.” (Luke 2:35)

Looking down from the cross, Jesus was filled with the concerns of a son for His mother’s earthly needs. His mother was standing near the cross with the Apostle John, whom He adored. Though His brothers were available to look after her, He entrusted the responsibility to someone whom He could trust unequivocally.

Jesus, amid the suffering and hardship He was undergoing, still had time to think of His mother, who had loved Him and ensured that she would be cared for in the future. Though most of the last hours of His crucifixion focus on His relationship with His Father in Heaven, these words demonstrate the care and respect He held for His human mother. Christ’s humanity is vividly visible here.

This act of our Savior shows that although our spiritual relationship with the Supreme Being is the most important obligation of our lives, we must never forget about our worldly responsibilities.

Jesus forged a new bond between His adored mother and His devoted disciple. He made sure that after His death His earthly mother would be taken care of. The apostle took Mary to his own home from that hour on. Thus, Jesus, ever the caring Son, entrusted His responsibilities to a trustworthy disciple.

Analysis of the Third Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus

Concern for His Mother: In this poignant moment on the cross, Jesus expresses his concern for the welfare of his mother, Mary. Despite his excruciating physical and spiritual suffering, he takes a moment to ensure that his mother is cared for after his death. This demonstrates Jesus’ deep love and filial devotion.

Assignment of Responsibility: Jesus assigns the care of his mother to the disciple whom he loved, traditionally understood to be the apostle John. By doing so, Jesus not only ensures Mary’s physical well-being but also symbolizes the spiritual community of believers as a new family. This act reflects Jesus’ desire for unity and love among his followers.

A Sign of Humanity: The third word highlights the humanity of Jesus. While he is the Son of God, he also experiences human emotions and familial responsibilities. His concern for his mother underscores the reality of his physical incarnation and the depth of his empathy.

Symbolism and Spiritual Implications: This statement carries deep spiritual symbolism. Mary represents the Church and the community of believers, while John represents all disciples who are entrusted with caring for one another. It emphasizes the importance of Christian fellowship and mutual support within the community of believers.

In summary, the third word of Jesus on the Cross is a touching moment that showcases his love for his mother, establishes a new familial bond within the community of believers, and reminds us of his full humanity. It carries important spiritual lessons about love, care, and unity within the body of Christ.

As He cares for those who love Him, Jesus rises above the occasion once more, even when He is enduring pain and affliction. This is an example of how a human being should be responsible for the well-being of his loved ones, even in times of trouble.

The Fourth Word — Jesus Cries out to His Father (The Seven Last Words of Jesus)

And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Matthew 27:46

In this moment of anguish, Jesus reveals his vulnerability and deep sense of abandonment. His words demonstrate that even amidst the darkest hours, it is permissible to express our pain and raw emotions to God. This phrase reminds us that our faith journeys may entail periods of doubt and questioning, ultimately leading to strengthened belief and an unbreakable bond with the divine.

The Fourth Word of Jesus on the Cross, often referred to as “Jesus Cries out to His Father,” is one of the seven last statements attributed to Jesus during his crucifixion. This statement is found in the New Testament of the Bible in the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark. It is a poignant moment in the Passion narrative, revealing the depth of Jesus’ suffering and his relationship with God the Father. Here is the text of the Fourth Word as it appears in Mark 15:34:

Mark 15:34: “And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ (which means ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’).”

The ongoing presence and grace of the Spirit of God sustained the Messiah in His sufferings, fragility, tolerance, and silence in the face of injustice.

Analysis of the Fourth Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus

A Cry of Abandonment: The fourth word is often interpreted as a moment of profound neglect and desolation experienced by Jesus as he hung on the cross. He addresses God as “My God,” indicating his relationship with the Father, but the cry, “Why have you forsaken me?” reveals a sense of feeling abandoned or separated from God’s presence. This is a poignant expression of the emotional and spiritual agony that Jesus endured during his crucifixion.

A Connection to Psalm 22: The words spoken by Jesus in this moment are a direct reference to Psalm 22:1, a Messianic psalm that begins with the same lament: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” By using these words, Jesus expresses his own anguish and invokes the entire Psalm, which contains both elements of suffering and ultimate victory. This connection suggests that even in his darkest moment, Jesus is aware of the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and the divine plan.

Theological Significance: The fourth word carries profound theological significance. It highlights the idea that Jesus, as the sinless and perfect Son of God, took upon himself the weight of humanity’s sin and separation from God. At this moment, he experienced the full depth of human suffering, including a sense of discardment, which is a consequence of sin. It underscores the sacrificial nature of Jesus’ crucifixion, emphasizing his role as the Lamb of God who bears the sins of the world.

In summary, the fourth word of Jesus on the Cross is a moment of deep anguish and theological significance. It reveals the extent of Jesus’ suffering and his role in the divine plan of redemption, offering a profound message of hope and salvation to believers.

The Fifth Word — Jesus is Thirsty (The Seven Last Words of Jesus)

“Later, knowing that everything had now been finished, and so that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, ‘I am thirsty.'” John 19:28

The Fifth Word of Jesus on the Cross, “I am thirsty,” is one of the seven last statements attributed to Jesus during his crucifixion.

Jesus’ simple yet profound statement addresses the physical suffering he experienced. His thirst is a metaphor for our yearning for spiritual nourishment and fulfillment. This sentence teaches us the importance of acknowledging our spiritual needs and seeking the Living Water that only Christ can provide.

Analysis of the Fifth Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus

Physical Suffering: The Fifth Word highlights the intense physical suffering that Jesus endured during his crucifixion. After enduring hours of excruciating pain on the cross, including the scourging, crucifixion, and the weight of the sins of humanity, Jesus experiences extreme thirst. This emphasizes the very real and agonizing ordeal that he went through on behalf of humanity.

Fulfillment of Prophecy: The statement, “so that Scripture would be fulfilled,” refers to the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. In particular, this statement is often associated with Psalm 22, a Messianic psalm that includes the words, “My mouth is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth” (Psalm 22:15). By saying, “I am thirsty,” Jesus underscores the fulfillment of the prophetic Scriptures regarding the suffering of the Messiah.

Humanity and Divinity: While the Fifth Word emphasizes Jesus’ humanity by highlighting his physical needs, it also underscores his divinity. Even in his moment of extreme suffering, Jesus remains fully aware of God’s plan and the fulfillment of Scripture. This duality of his nature as both fully God and fully human is a key theological concept.

Connection to the Offer of Living Water: In other parts of the New Testament, Jesus speaks about himself as the source of “living water” (e.g., John 4:10-14). In the Fifth Word, he experiences physical thirst, but his mission is ultimately to quench humanity’s spiritual thirst through faith in him.

In summary, the Fifth Word of Jesus on the Cross reveals the extent of his physical suffering, his fulfillment of prophetic Scriptures, his dual nature as both human and divine, and his role as the source of spiritual fruitfulness and light. It invites us to reflect on the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice for humanity and the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan.

The Sixth Word — It is Finished (The Seven Last Words of Jesus)

“When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” John 19:30

The Sixth Word of Jesus on the Cross, “It is Finished,” is one of the seven last statements attributed to Jesus during his crucifixion.

With these words, Jesus proclaims the fulfillment of his divine mission on Earth. He signifies the completion of his sacrificial work, ensuring deliverance for all humanity. This phrase serves as a reminder of the triumph of Christ’s sacrifice and offers us hope, knowing that through him, our salvation is secure.

Analysis of the Sixth Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus

The Completion of His Mission: The phrase “It is finished” signifies the completion of Jesus’ earthly mission. Throughout his ministry, Jesus spoke about fulfilling God’s will (John 4:34) and accomplishing the work God had given him (John 17:4). At this moment on the cross, he declares that the mission of providing salvation for humanity is now accomplished.

Victory Over Sin and Death: The Sixth Word also represents Jesus’ victory over sin and death. Through his sacrificial death on the cross, he atoned for the sins of humanity, reconciling people with God. His death marked the moment when the debt of sin was paid in full, offering the opportunity for forgiveness and eternal life to all who believe in him.

Fulfilled Prophecy: The declaration “It is finished” echoes the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies regarding the work of the Messiah. It points to the realization of God’s plan for salvation, which had been foretold through numerous prophecies throughout the Scriptures.

A Moment of Surrender: As Jesus bows his head and gives up his spirit, he willingly submits to death. This moment is not a defeat but an act of voluntary surrender, highlighting his obedience to the Father’s will and his ultimate victory over sin and death.

In summary, the Sixth Word of Jesus on the Cross, “It is finished,” marks the culmination of Jesus’ earthly mission, the victory over sin and death, and the fulfillment of divine prophecies. It is a powerful declaration of the completion of the work of salvation and an invitation for all to receive forgiveness and eternal life through faith in Christ.

The Seventh Word — Jesus’ Final Words (The Seven Last Words of Jesus)

“Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.’ When he had said this, he breathed his last.” Luke 23:46

The Seventh Word of Jesus on the Cross, often referred to as “Jesus’ Final Words,” is one of the seven last statements attributed to Jesus during his crucifixion.

Jesus’ final words exemplify complete surrender and unwavering trust in God. He teaches us to release our burdens and place our lives in the loving hands of our Heavenly Father. This phrase encourages us to embrace faith in the face of adversity, knowing that God’s guidance and providence will always prevail.

Analysis of the Seventh Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus

Trusting Surrender: In his final moments on the cross, Jesus addresses God as “Father,” reaffirming his intimate relationship with the divine. By saying, “Into your hands I commit my spirit,” Jesus demonstrates profound trust and surrender to God’s will. This statement echoes his submission to God throughout his life and ministry.

Fulfillment of Scripture: The Seventh Word is a direct reference to Psalm 31:5, which says, “Into your hands I commit my spirit; deliver me, Lord, my faithful God.” Jesus, in quoting this verse, not only fulfills Old Testament prophecy but also affirms his role as the fulfillment of God’s plan for salvation.

Peaceful Transition: Jesus’ final words and his act of “breathing his last” depict a peaceful and purposeful transition from earthly life to eternal life. His death is not a defeat but a voluntary act of surrender, fulfilling his mission to offer salvation to humanity.

A Message of Assurance: The Seventh Word carries a message of assurance and hope for believers. It underscores the idea that, through faith in Christ, believers can entrust their spirits to the loving care of God, knowing that He is the faithful keeper of their souls.

In summary, the Seventh Word of Jesus on the Cross, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit,” is a declaration of trust, surrender, and fulfillment of God’s plan. It offers a message of hope and assurance for believers, encouraging them to entrust their lives to the faithful care of God through faith in Christ.

The last seven words of Jesus on the cross leave an indelible mark on humanity, transcending regional and ethnic affiliations and speaking directly to the core of our existence. Through forgiveness, hope, love, vulnerability, spiritual fulfillment, completion, and surrender, these words teach us invaluable lessons applicable to our daily lives. Let us contemplate these profound utterances and strive to embody their essence as we navigate the complexities of our own journeys.

The Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross (Recap)

The Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross are a set of seven statements attributed to Jesus during his crucifixion, as recorded in the New Testament of the Bible. These final words provide profound insights into Jesus’ thoughts, emotions, and the significance of his sacrifice. Here is a detailed recap of each of the seven last words:

First Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus:

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)

Key Takeaways of the First Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus

  • The first word emphasizes Jesus’ capacity for forgiveness, including those who were responsible for his crucifixion.
  • It highlights the profound spiritual ignorance that can lead people to commit sinful acts.
  • This statement is a model of Christian ethics, urging believers to follow Jesus’ example by extending forgiveness and compassion to others, even in the most challenging circumstances.
  • It reinforces the central theme of Jesus’ ministry, which is the offer of forgiveness and reconciliation with God through faith in Christ.

In this statement, Jesus asks God to forgive those responsible for his crucifixion. It reflects his boundless love and compassion, even for his persecutors, and highlights the theme of forgiveness central to his ministry.

Second Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus:

“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43)

Key Takeaways of the Second Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus

  • The second word illustrates the power of transformation and redemption through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • It emphasizes the concept of salvation by grace through faith, not by human works or merits.
  • This statement highlights the inclusivity of Jesus’ message, demonstrating that salvation is available to all who turn to him in repentance and faith.
  • It serves as a profound reminder of God’s boundless love and mercy, even in the darkest of circumstances.

Addressed to one of the criminals crucified alongside him, this word signifies the power of faith and grace for salvation. Jesus assures the repentant thief of immediate entry into paradise, emphasizing the importance of faith in his redemptive work.

Third Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus:

“Woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” (John 19:26-27)

Key Takeaways of the Third Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus

  • The third word of Jesus on the cross reveals His deep love for his mother and his commitment to her well-being, even in the midst of his own suffering.
  • It symbolizes the formation of a spiritual family among believers, emphasizing the importance of care and support within the Christian community.
  • This word highlights Jesus’ humanity, reminding us that he experienced the full range of human emotions and responsibilities.
  • It underscores the idea that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross not only provides for our salvation but also fosters a new sense of community and responsibility among his followers.

Jesus, in his physical agony, demonstrates concern for the welfare of his mother, Mary, and assigns the care of her to the disciple John. This word symbolizes the formation of a spiritual family among believers and highlights the importance of mutual support within the Christian community.

Fourth Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus:

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34)

Key Takeaways of the Fourth Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus

  • The Fourth Word reveals the depth of Jesus’ suffering on the cross, both physically and spiritually. It underscores his humanity and his willingness to endure immense agony for the salvation of humanity.
  • The reference to Psalm 22 underscores the Messianic fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, highlighting the divine plan at work even in the midst of suffering.
  • This word emphasizes the profound theological concept of Jesus as the sin-bearer who takes upon himself the separation from God that sin brings, offering reconciliation and redemption to humanity.
  • It serves as a reminder of the extent to which God was willing to go in order to provide a path for human salvation, demonstrating His love and mercy.

This cry of abandonment expresses Jesus’ deep sense of separation from God as he bears the weight of humanity’s sin. It connects to Psalm 22 and underscores the sacrificial nature of Jesus’ crucifixion.

Fifth Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus:

“I am thirsty.” (John 19:28)

Key Takeaways of the Fifth Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus

  • The Fifth Word reminds us of the depth of Jesus’ physical suffering and the reality of his crucifixion.
  • It underscores the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah, highlighting Jesus’ role in the fulfillment of Scripture.
  • This statement reveals the dual nature of Jesus as both fully human and fully divine, emphasizing his unique role in God’s plan of salvation.
  • It connects to the broader message of Jesus as the source of living water, offering spiritual refreshment and deliverance to those who believe in him.

Jesus’ physical suffering is evident as he experiences thirst. This word signifies his humanity and fulfills Old Testament prophecies. It also symbolizes his role as the source of spiritual refreshment for believers.

Sixth Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus:

“It is finished.” (John 19:30)

Key Takeaways of the Sixth Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus

  • The Sixth Word emphasizes the completion of Jesus’ mission to provide salvation for humanity through his sacrificial death on the cross.
  • It signifies victory over sin and death, as Jesus’ death atones for the sins of humanity and offers reconciliation with God.
  • The phrase “It is finished” underscores the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and God’s plan for salvation through the Messiah.
  • This statement reflects Jesus’ willingness to surrender to death as an act of obedience to the Father’s will.

In this declaration, Jesus affirms the completion of his mission to provide salvation. He marks the victory over sin and death, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies and emphasizing that salvation is now available to all who believe.

Seventh Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus:

“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” (Luke 23:46)

Key Takeaways of the Seventh Word of the Seven Last Words of Jesus

  • The Seventh Word highlights Jesus’ deep trust and surrender to God’s will, even in the face of death. It serves as an example of complete faith and obedience.
  • This statement fulfills Old Testament prophecy, reinforcing the belief that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s plan for salvation.
  • Jesus’ peaceful transition from life to death emphasizes the victory of his mission and serves as a source of hope and assurance for believers.
  • The Seventh Word invites believers to place their trust in God and commit their spirits into His hands, knowing that He is faithful and trustworthy.

In his final moments, Jesus reaffirms his trust and surrender to God, quoting Psalm 31:5. This statement signifies a peaceful transition to eternal life, fulfilling his mission and offering hope to believers who can entrust their spirits to God’s care.

Summary of the Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross

In summary, the Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross encapsulates themes of forgiveness, salvation, compassion, family, abandonment, completion, and trust. They provide a profound insight into the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice and offer spiritual lessons and encouragement for believers.

The seven last words of Jesus on the cross have a deep meaning that will impact our lives in a myriad of ways. We won’t be able to comprehend Resurrection Sunday until we grasp these life-transforming words Jesus spoke on Good Friday.

On this day, we need to reflect on the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice for us, who suffered a painful, humiliating, and gory death by crucifixion. His final words on the cross, as He died for the sins of humanity, demand careful attention. They will make a difference in our lives if we meditate on them meticulously.

The seven last words of Jesus Christ are very profound, compelling, and impactful. The seven last words of Jesus provide a permanent structure and model of how we must think and behave in this life on earth.

Our articles on Lent will help you understand the need for God’s presence in your lives and use this season as a time of repenting, sobriety, refocusing, and renewing. Practice prayer, observe fasting, give up something, and assist those in need.

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