The Nativity Story (The Wondrous Birth of Jesus Christ)

The Nativity Story or the Birth of Jesus Christ is a dramatic and uniquely inspiring history, a journey of faith. Jesus Christ is the bread of life, the light of the world, the door, the true vine, the good shepherd, the resurrection, and the way, the truth, and the life. Be filled with hope as you watch the nativity story unfold.

The Nativity Story (Christmas Story for Kids)

Lessons from the Nativity Story

the nativity story, the birth of jesus christ

The following are the three hidden lessons in the nativity story.

  1. God chooses humble and faithful people to accomplish His objectives. Mary was a humble teenager from a small town. She did not want to be noticed and gave all praise and glory to God. But God chose her to give birth to His only beloved Son. Jesus could have been born to a queen rather than to a member of a society subjugated under Roman rule. But God chooses the simple things to confound the wise. He has a purpose for every person in this world. Remember, God is the Lord of the unexpected, and you are never too young to be used for a great purpose.
  2. God never discriminates and loves everyone equally. During Roman times, the shepherds were considered a lower class by the Jewish society. They were stereotyped as crooks and thieves, and they could not even testify in court. The religious leaders considered them untrustworthy people who grazed their flocks on other people’s land. However, they were the first chosen ones to worship and witness Jesus. God longs to reach the unreachable and in His infinite wisdom chose the right group of people to entrust the greatest news of eternity. The shepherds spread the word that a Savior had been born, and the people were amazed.
  3. God sent Jesus Christ to reconcile humanity to Himself. The ultimate mission of Jesus was to reestablish peace and restore the relationship between God and humans. Humans sinned and broke off the right relationship with God. So, God sent His only begotten Son to restore us to goodness and give us eternal life. Jesus gives peace to individual hearts, within families and friends, and between groups and nations.

The nativity story teaches that we should never disrespect others, regard rituals more than worship (following only traditions), and be self-absorbed that we miss God’s redemption plan. The nativity story helps us understand that anything is possible with God and not divorce your destiny. The nativity story encourages us to spread the good news that a Savior has been born and tells us that God has a purpose for us in this life. The nativity story also tells us of the infinite and selfless love of the Father and how He is eager to redeem us from battles arrayed against us and wants to give us a new and abundant life.

This Christmas season let us reflect on the purpose of why Jesus came into the world and how this changes us. This change can be exemplified when we commit ourselves to follow Christ and practice His teachings.

Get inspired this holiday season with our fantastic collection of Christmas articles, which includes remarkable facts, fascinating histories, joyful melodies, spectacular activities, inspiring Bible verses, riveting stories, passionate prayers, and much more.

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