The Sinner’s Prayer | Salvation in Repentance and Faith | 7 Rescue Verses

The Sinner’s Prayer is a plea made when feeling convinced that we are sinners and want to repent of our sins. We ask for forgiveness from God, understanding that we cannot be redeemed on our own. The sinner’s prayer states our belief in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What is a Sinner’s Prayer?

The sinner’s prayer represents a prayer of repentance and faith and the need for a renewed personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ.

One major characteristic of a sinner’s prayer is the awareness that we have all sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. We need to acknowledge that we need mercy and forgiveness from God, and we deserve eternal punishment because of our transgressions. The sinner’s prayer is an appeal or petition for grace and mercy, instead of judgment and wrath.

Another significant characteristic of a sinner’s prayer is understanding the work of God through Jesus Christ to reconcile humans to Himself, thus rectifying our lost and sinful condition.

God took on the form of a human and lived among us, impeccably righteous and sinless. Christ died on the cross bearing the punishment we deserve and rose from the dead assuring us of immortality. We should believe that Christ suffered and laid down His life for us and rose from the grave on the third day.

If we have faith in Christ, our sins will be forgiven, and we will be deathless. We must admit that only the grace of the Supreme Being can save us.

The Sinner’s Prayer

Say this sinner’s prayer, communicating to God that you are only relying on Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for your salvation and you are accepting Him as your deliverer. This prayer is just a guide to affirm that only faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus results in salvation. A sinner’s prayer is often seen as the first step of someone’s lifelong faith journey.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I believe that because of Your infinite love, You have created me on this Earth. I have shunned Your love and indulged in reprehensible and corrupt activities. I closed the door when You knocked and have always been indifferent towards You. I have broken Your laws and commandments, and my trespasses have separated me from You. I want to turn away from my sinful past, as I realize that I am a sinner and I need a Savior.

God, I cannot save myself and admit my inability to forgive my sin or gain eternal life through my words and deeds. I recognize that Jesus is the only way for salvation, and I can be saved, by grace alone, faith alone, and in Jesus Christ alone.

I come to You in the name of Jesus pleading for the forgiveness of my sins. I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I acknowledge that He died on the cross at Calvary in my place, bearing my transgressions to save me from eternal death, proving His victory over sin, death, and hell.

Cleanse me with the blood of Jesus, renew my mind, and make me whole. Forgive me for being bitter, unforgiving, and continuously transgressing. Please help me to forgive those who sinned against me and pray for them.

Father, I believe that You physically raised Jesus from the dead as a guarantee of my resurrection. I accept and proclaim right now Jesus Christ as my redeemer. I place Jesus at the center of my life, and I accept that He did everything necessary to enable me to stand in Your Mighty and Holy Presence. Let Him rule and reign in my heart and mind from this day onward.

Please send Your Holy Spirit to guide me to live a holy life, help me obey You, and take control so that I will do Your will for the rest of my life. Keep me away from evil thoughts, words, and deeds, and make me the person You want me to be. Let my life be transformed by Your grace and mercy for Your Name’s sake.

I commit to worship You all the days of my life. I praise You for receiving me despite my numerous sins and failures. I thank You for forgiving my sins, the gift of salvation, and eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Thank You for hearing this prayer. In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.

7 Verses About Rescue and Redemption

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Do you find yourself struggling with how to pray and what to pray for? Read our popular prayers for various situations and needs that are directed to fulfill personal needs or deep spiritual enlightenment. These prayers will comfort, help, and guide you when you are worried, suffering loss, or facing uncertainty in your life.


  1. Hohensee 17th September 2021
    • Rosemarie Parsons 9th March 2022

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