Let us explore 6 reasons why Easter is celebrated on the third day of Good Friday and understand the Real Meaning of Easter Sunday. Listen to and watch the animated story of Resurrection Day, an amazing presentation of Jesus’ last week on earth.
Why is Easter Celebrated? Easter is Celebrated because…
Reason #1 (Why is Easter Celebrated?)
Easter is celebrated because the Son of God was crucified for the sins of humanity and rose again on the third day defeating death to live eternally. Easter is celebrated because if Jesus had died and not been resurrected, He would have been just another teacher or prophet. However, His resurrection provided irrefutable proof that He was the Lord of Lords who is sitting at the right hand of the throne of God.
Reason #2 (Why is Easter Celebrated?)
Easter is celebrated as Christ’s resurrection represents the eternal life that will be granted to all who believe in Him. Jesus gave the gift of eternal life in heaven to those who believe in His death and resurrection. Jesus’s victory over death verified all that He preached during His three-and-a-half-years ministry. Read the entire Biblical account of Resurrection Day in the synoptic Gospels of Matthew (Chapter 28), Mark (Chapter 16), and Luke (Chapter 24).
Reason #3 (Why is Easter Celebrated?)
Easter is celebrated because we have all sinned and fell short of God’s perfection, holiness, and glory. We deserve God’s judgment but Jesus, who lived a sinless life, took the burden of our sins upon Himself and died on the cross at Calvary as our substitute and sin-bearer, bearing the punishment that we deserve and paying the penalty for sin. The Almighty Father sent His only begotten eternal Son to die a shameful and an accursed death to purchase pardon, grace, and eternal blessing.
Reason #4 (Why is Easter Celebrated?)
Easter is celebrated as it affirms that Jesus of Nazareth is the prophesied Messiah of Israel, who would be persecuted, die for the sins of humanity, and rise on the third day (Isaiah 53). Easter is celebrated as it confirms that Jesus is the King and Lord of a new heaven and a new earth.
Reason #5 (Why is Easter Celebrated?)
Easter is celebrated as Jesus Christ’s triumphed over death and redeemed us from sin. The core Christian belief and foundation of the Christian faith stems from Christ’s resurrection. The resurrection confirmed that Jesus, who had been found guilty of blasphemy because he claimed to be the “Son of God,” as the true and only Son of God, and offered ample evidence that God will righteously judge the world.
Reason #6 (Why is Easter Celebrated?)
Easter is celebrated as without the resurrection, the apostles would have scattered and lived in hiding for fear of the Jewish religious leaders for the rest of their lives. There would have been no preaching of the good news of the gospel to anyone.
Watch the Amazing Resurrection Story
Now, that we know why Easter is celebrated, let us watch the Resurrection Story unfold before our eyes.
Let us greet each other with a joyful heart this Resurrection Sunday by saying, “Christ has risen.” This greeting is a confirmation of faith that we believe in the resurrection of Jesus and His divinity. The salutation is a renewal of daily hope that we have victory over sin through Him. We acknowledge spiritual rebirth, salvation, and everlasting life when we say this greeting. If we truly believe in the resurrection and trust in our hearts declaring that, “Jesus is Lord,” we will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
Our collection of animated stories from the Bible will provide the perfect introduction to Bible characters to your children, strengthen and inspire your faith, will teach you about the greatness of our Almighty Creator, learn about God’s grace, love, and mercy for humanity, and enable you to build a personal relationship with your Lord and Savior.
Very efficiently written story. It will be supportive to anyone who uses it, including me. Keep doing what you are doing – can’t wait to read more posts.
Thanks for finally talking about it. Loved it!