3 Glorious Christian Poems of Praise

Here we present three inspirational Poems of Praise that glorify Jesus Christ our King, Priest, Prophet, Savior, Lord, Master, and Almighty Creator.

Jesus the Prophet, the Priest, and the King

Jesus Christ carried out three functions or offices that of a prophet, priest, and king in his earthly ministry.

A prophet functioned as the mouthpiece of God. Jesus fulfilled all the roles of a prophet. He spoke the word of God, foretold future events, delivered warnings, revealed the will of God, encouraged people through His actions, disclosed God’s plans for the future, and performed healing and miracles. Jesus is the Word of God and is the source of all revelation. He is infinitely greater than all prophets as He is the Son of God.

A priest represents the people before God. He serves as the intercessor and mediator between God and His people. In the Old Testament, the high priest is the only one who is authorized to perform the atonement sacrifice unto God for the forgiveness of the people’s sins. Christ is the exalted High Priest who mediated the sin that separated humanity from the fellowship of God.

As the High Priest, Christ offered prayers to God, chose obedience through suffering, and commiserated with the struggles of humans. He superseded the role of the high priest by His sacrifice on the cross. Offering Himself as the blameless, sinless, and pure sacrifice, He made one sin offering as High Priest atoning for our sins once for all, redeeming us and saving us from sin, eternally.

Jesus is also the King Eternal. He sits at the right hand of God, crowned in glory as King of kings and Lord of lords. He exercises total dominion over the universe, far above all rule and authority and power and principalities, and above every name. He reigns over every created thing on earth and in the heavenly places and is crowned in eternal glory.

The offices of priest, prophet, and king are fulfilled in Jesus Christ and the three missions are interconnected.

Poems of Praise by Maurice Dyson

Prophet, Priest and King

christian poems, poems of praise

The King of Kings

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We hope these poems of praise lifted your spirits, calmed your fears, dried your tears, and brought you ever nearer to Jesus. These poems of praise are meant to search the deepest depths of your heart and soul. The above poems of praise will inspire us to glorify the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. These poems of praise will enable us to understand the magnificence and greatness of God’s power and love.

We believe these poems of praise instructed you, motivated you, and brought you closer to our Redeemer. These poems of praise can be sung as spiritual songs unto the Lord. These poems of praise will be a significant addition to your collection of Christian poems, which can be treasured through the years.

Our eclectic collection of Christian poems contain life-changing Christian teachings, themes, or references. Christian poems are a subtle way to express our thanks to God for His wonderful grace, His wonderful creation, and His beloved Son. When you read these Christian poems, thank our Almighty God for working in your life, setting you free, and helping you become more aware of His presence in you.

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