41 Bible Verses About Nature — 3 Meaningful and Best Earth Day Activities

Here we discover 41 Bible verses about nature that will inspire us to praise the Glorious Creator for the goodness of His creation and encourage us not to despise the natural resources and blessings, which are given to us by Him. Humans are asked to be caretakers of the Earth and all its creatures.

Bible Verses About Nature on Earth Day

These inspirational Bible verses about nature help us to connect with God by admiring His works, experiencing the wonders of His creation, and learning about who He is. They also show our distinct and close relationship with the Earth. These Bible verses motivate us to sing the Supreme Being’s praises concerning His creation as He shows His love for us through His awe-inspiring work.

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earth day activities, earth day, bible verses about nature, inspirational bible verses, earth day is celebrated on
earth day is celebrated on, earth day, bible verses about nature, inspirational bible verses, earth day activities
bible verses about nature, earth day activities, earth day is celebrated on, earth day, inspirational bible verses

Celebrate the Glorious Creator on Earth Day

Our Almighty Father reigns over all creation and speaks to us, provides us, and teaches us numerous things through nature. We should praise our Great God, who possesses the heavens and the Earth, for all the good things He has done. The land we rest and stand on, the air we inhale and exhale, and everything that powers our lives are because of the mighty work of our Beloved Father. His glory, wisdom, power, presence, creativity, beauty, and His loving care are revealed to us through nature.

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Being one with nature has a soothing and calming effect on our senses and body. We need to appreciate God’s magnificence every time we see flowers blooming, fruits growing on trees, birds feeding their young in their nests, and animals roaming, enjoying, and thriving in their natural environment. Seeing the Hand of God in every creation is so comforting from the smallest details of a flower or leaf to the uncountable stars in the sky. God created nature to nurture itself, and everything was called into existence to declare His Majestic Glory.

3 Meaningful Earth Day Activities

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd every year to show support for environmental protection and create awareness about the various environmental challenges that face our planet. We should promise to plant at least one tree on this Earth Day and renew our commitment to shaping our collective future on this planet. We should preserve and develop a harmonious and sustainable living environment so that we will have a greener and happier planet to live on.

Try these simple hands-on Earth Day activities that will make a difference all year long. We can teach our children concepts such as pollution, planting, composting, recycling, and reusing on this Earth Day.

Planting a Tree

Take tangible action by planting trees individually or as part of a group. Do you know that trees can help decrease a town’s temperature by about 10 degrees? Trees cool things down and also clean the air and give off more oxygen. Do you know that trees increase a property’s value by about 12-15%?

Today’s younger generation is eating foods from factory farms and is addicted to fast foods. We should plant vegetables and fruits in our garden, so we do not eat pesticide-laden foods or genetically modified foods (GM foods). This way we would be healthier and reduce fossil fuel emissions due to transportation. Organic foods are nutrient-rich and pack in more antioxidants than chemically treated foods. If we do not have a garden, we can plant a few herbs or flowers in the windowsills, fire-escapes, balconies, and rooftops that are under the sun for at least 5 hours per day. This will attract pollinators and deter pests. We should get some plants growing today.

Walking or Riding a Bicycle

This Earth Day we can give our motorbike or scooter or car that runs on petrol, diesel or gas the day off. We need to find alternate modes of transport, which will reduce our carbon footprint. The lesser the number of cars on the road means fewer carbon emissions polluting the environment.

If we are planning to go somewhere, we can use an Eco-friendly mode of transportation such as walking or riding our bicycles. If we have to travel a longer distance, we can use public transport services such as a bus or train. We can do our part in reducing global warming as we have already polluted and destroyed the Earth to the best of our abilities.

Doing Some Activity / Spending Time Outside

This Earth Day we should not be glued to the screen (TV, Mobile/PC) all the time. We should involve ourselves in household chores such as cooking, washing, and cleaning. We can do some creative activities such as painting and drawing. We must enjoy and take care of the planet pondering how much it is worth saving in the first place and how hard we have to fight to protect it.

The Earth is an awesome and beautiful place to explore. We can go for a hike, spent our day outdoors, or take a nature walk with our friends. There is nothing like feeling the wind in our hair and the sun on our faces while enjoying the beauty of nature. We can rediscover and connect with nature just outside our homes.

If we can do these aforementioned things on Earth Day, we can take care of the environment throughout the year by not only doing these activities but also much more.

Final Thoughts on Bible Verses About Nature

Bible verses about nature will enhance our appreciation of God’s creation. These Bible verses about nature will inspire us to worship the nourishing and life-giving Creator who gives vitality, and sustains and renews all things on Earth. Bible verses about nature will enable to explore the mystery of us being planted on this Earth and our role in taking care of the beauty of God’s creation.

Bible verses about nature will remind us that our Loving Father has demonstrated His splendor in the fresh air of mornings, in the songs of birds, in the design and playfulness of animals, in the sound of rain and thunder, and the blue sky canopy above us. Bible verses about nature will incite us to sing out in celebration the praises of God Almighty. Bible verses about nature will prompt us to put our smartphones and TV remote controls down, get back away from our workstations, and put our hands in the soil and feel the Earth.

Our collection of Bible Verses by Topic will encourage you to read the Word of God daily, will target the very issue you are dealing with at the moment, and motivate you to find your strength in Jesus Christ.

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  1. Genous 1st October 2021

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