The three short prayers given here are considered classics as they are handed down to us from the first centuries of the Christian Church. These prayers have been read, prayed, sung, anthologized, memorialized, and treasured for centuries.
Do you know that talking to God does not have to be long and articulate? Short prayers are not rude and can be powerful and moving if they are grateful, sincere, and specific. God hears your cries irrespective of the length of your prayers. The Almighty One is waiting for you to call upon him. Prayer is about coming into close fellowship with God and connecting with Him deeply and profoundly. It is the single most intimate way you can communicate with God. Throughout the day, these prayers will help you stay in check and bring you close to your Savior.
Here are three classic prayers for your everyday needs.
Short Prayers #1 — Look Upon Us
Short Prayers #2 — Take Away From Me
Short Prayers #3 — Prayer for the Night
Remember that it does not matter how many words are said but what the words mean and the faith of the person behind the words. Conversations are key to relationships and if you want to have a deeper relationship with your Creator then you need to have constant communication with Him through short prayers.
Do you find yourself struggling with how to pray and what to pray for? Read our popular prayers for various situations and needs that are directed to fulfill personal needs or deep spiritual enlightenment. These prayers will comfort, help, and guide you when you are worried, suffering loss, or facing uncertainty in your life.