Standing on the Promises of God Lyrics | 1 Miraculous Story of Faith

Standing on the promises of God is an encouraging and delightful hymn written by Russell Kelso Carter in 1886. Let us listen to this comforting hymn, singalong with the dramatic lyrics, and learn the miraculous story of faith of the author who wrote this renowned hymn.

Standing on the Promises of God, Standing on the Promises, Standing on the Promises of God Song

Standing on the Promises of God Song

Standing on the Promises of God Lyrics

1 Standing on the promises of Christ, my King,
Through eternal ages let his praises ring;
Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,
Standing on the promises of God.

Standing, standing,
Standing on the promises of God, my Savior;
Standing, standing,
I’m standing on the promises of God.

2 Standing on the promises that cannot fail.
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
Standing on the promises of God. [Refrain]

3 Standing on the promises I now can see
Perfect, present cleansing in the blood for me;
Standing in the liberty where Christ makes free,
Standing on the promises of God. [Refrain]

4 Standing on the promises of Christ, the Lord,
Bound to him eternally by love’s strong cord,
Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword,
Standing on the promises of God. [Refrain]

5 Standing on the promises I cannot fall,
List’ning ev’ry moment to the Spirit’s call,
Resting in my Savior as my all in all,
Standing on the promises of God. [Refrain]

The Spectacular Story of the Author Who Wrote the Hymn

Standing on the Promises of God, Standing on the Promises, Standing on the Promises of God Song
Russell Kelso Carter (November 18, 1849 – August 23, 1928)

Early Life, Career, and Healing

Russell Kelso Carter was born in Baltimore, Maryland, and grew up in a devout Christian family. He accepted Christ as his savior at a prayer meeting conducted in his military academy, committing his life to God when he was around 15 years of years.

He was a man of varied talents, abilities, and interests. He graduated from the Pennsylvania Military Academy (now Widener University) in Chester in 1867 with a degree in civil engineering (one of the first cadets to do so). He played as a pitcher in the academy’s first baseball team in 1866. He was an outstanding athlete and an erudite student.

After graduating from PMA, he stayed there to teach Natural Sciences, Civil Engineering, Mathematics, and Chemistry until 1872. Suddenly, he developed a heart condition. In 1876, he moved to California to raise sheep, hoping that his career as a sheep rancher would strengthen his health. However, he fell seriously ill, and the physicians who were attending to him said that he had a frail chance of survival. Feeling closer to death, Carter turned to God for healing and respite. He grew closer to the Almighty One through prayer and held steadfast to the Word of God. Gradually, his strength returned, and he was healed over several months.

Some historians believe that Carter went back to his parent’s house in a collapsed state in 1879. He decided to try healing by faith, and when he went to one of the Faith Conventions organized by Charles Cullis, a preacher in Boston, he was miraculously healed by God. Carter grew strong and lived another five decades.

Three days later, he went back to work at PMA and became a professor of civil engineering and advanced mathematics.

After this supernatural incident in his life, Carter started to attend Methodist meetings and developed a deep conviction that healing was in the atonement. He trusted that Jesus Christ not only bore our transgressions but also our sicknesses on the cross.

Carter consecrated himself to the service of Jesus Christ and stood upon the promises of God for the rest of his life.

He was also commissioned as a Captain in the Pennsylvania State Line and appointed adjutant to the Military Academy by the Governor of the State.

After resigning from PMA, Carter became an ordained Methodist minister in 1887 and was active in leading camp meetings and revival gatherings.

After some years, he went to medical school and became a physician in Baltimore. Throughout his life, he moved from one vocation to another widening his knowledge and experience while maintaining a close connection to God.

In 1898, Carter became grievously ill again and was diagnosed with tuberculosis. However, he recovered within 90 days after taking medical treatment. This incident led him to believe that God works through medicines just as through prayer. He continued his work as a doctor until he died on August 23, 1928, in Catonsville, Maryland.

Carter was a striking example of faithfulness to the Creator on whose Word he trusted.

Literary Works

He wrote several textbooks in various disciplines, published numerous novels, authored many hymns, and composed music for many songs.

In 1880, he wrote the book Miracles of Healing and, in 1882, revamped a book previously published in England known as Pastor Blumhardt. He wrote a book called The Atonement for Sin and Sickness in 1884. In 1886, Carter began publishing a periodical known as The Kingdom.

He had strong musical knowledge and wrote hymns in Songs of Perfect Love with John Sweeney (composer of music for popular songs such as Beulah Land and Fill Me Now) in 1886. This songbook contained his most famous hymn, Standing on the Promises of God.

In 1891, along with A. B. Simpson, he complied a hymn book known as Hymns of the Christian Life. In this hymnal, Carter wrote the words and music for 52 hymns and set the tune for 44 hymns by other writers.

About Standing on the Promises of God Hymn

Standing on the Promises of God, Standing on the Promises, Standing on the Promises of God Song

The Standing on the Promises of God hymn was written while Carter was at the Pennsylvania Military Academy. The rhythmic martial tone of the song complements its theme and focus and reflects on the author’s military academy experience.

The two passages in the Bible that bolster the central theme of Standing on the Promises of God are Ephesians 6:14 and 2 Samuel 22:31. The hymn reflects Carter’s intimate experience as a petitioner before God’s throne. The song reminds us that our confidence must rest in Jesus and not in our ability to face troubles. Our Savior helps us to stand on our feet even when our knees cave in toward each other.

The hymn encourages us to read the Word of God when faced with doubts and fear. It turns our attention to the perfect cleansing of our trespasses through the blood of Jesus. It instructs us to depend on the liberty of the finished work of salvation through which Christ makes us free not only from the bondages and penalties of sin but also eternal damnation. Moreover, we should bound ourselves with God’s everlasting love every day and overcome trials and temptations with the help of the Holy Spirit. We must always be in touch with the Spirit of God and listen to him and not to ourselves and others.

The song has been extensively used in numerous evangelistic crusades throughout the past century.

For more awesome Christian Music check our Hymns Collection. You will find the background stories behind the hymns very interesting and informative. Sing along with the lyrics understanding the meaning of each song and fill your heart with joy.

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