I Have Decided to Follow Jesus Story — 1 True Love for Christ

I have decided to follow Jesus story is one of many thousands of similar stories of martyrs who gave their lives for Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and God.

I have decided to follow Jesus story stands as a testimony to the power of human volition and celebrates the simplicity of transformation from the old life to a new life in Christ.

I have decided to follow jesus, i have decided to follow jesus story, sadhu sundar singh

I have Decided to Follow Jesus Story

The lyrics of the hymn “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” is based on the last words of Nokseng, a member of the tribe of Garo in Meghalaya (which was then a part of the Indian province of Assam). Through the efforts of an American Baptist missionary, who spread the message of love, peace, and hope in Jesus Christ, Nokseng was baptized. He along with his wife and two children converted to Christianity in the middle of the 19th century. Nokseng’s faith proved infectious and many villagers began to accept Christ.

When the village elders came to know about this, they were enraged and decided to make an example out of Nokseng. They arrested his family and demanded that Nokseng should renounce Christ in public to save him, his wife, and children from being executed. But Nokseng stood fast in his faith and refused to give up. He said, “I have decided to follow Jesus, and there is no turning back.” Archers executed his two children. Seeing this, he said to the village elders, “The world can be behind me, but the cross is still before me.”

The village elders gave him another chance to disavow Christ or see his wife murdered. However, Nokseng refused, and his wife was similarly struck down. After seeing his wife pierced by the arrows, he said, “Though no one is here to go with me, still I will follow Jesus.” Nokseng followed his family into glory refusing to deny Christ.

However, what followed after is an example of the miraculous working of God. The villagers were astonished by the faith exhibited by Nokseng. A spiritual revival occurred in the village, and the whole village accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. The news of those who murdered Nokseng accepting Christianity was so astonishing, it was widely circulated among Indian believers. Sadhu Sundar Singh, the famous Indian evangelist heard the story of Nokseng and took the martyr’s last words and created a song with traditional Indian music (melody titled “Assam”) to make one of the first unique Indian Christian hymns.

The song became immensely popular in churches all over India and is sung even today in Sunday Schools and worship services. Some of the American missionaries returning from India took the song along with them. Canadian gospel singer George Beverley Shea made it a regular feature at Billy Graham’s crusades.

I have decided to follow Jesus story is about the efforts an individual should make in picking up the cross and following after Christ, while also getting ready for all the challenges and sacrifices that come along. I have decided to follow Jesus story shows us that we should not look behind but keep our eyes on the prize of eternal life.

I have decided to follow Jesus story is not only a statement about free will but placing your utmost faith in Christ. I have decided to follow Jesus story serves a progressive call to suffer and die for Christ.

Listen to this beautiful hymn here.

Read our collection of Stories of Christian missionaries and martyrs from around the world, who stayed true to Jesus, to challenge your faith and strengthen your trust in God.


  1. Breanne Cristelli 2nd December 2020
  2. jettasoul 16th September 2021

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