30 Best Easter Quotes To Restore, Renew, And Revitalize You

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is regarded as the cornerstone of the Christian faith. It is a commemoration of our Savior’s victory over sin, death, and hell, which saved the faithful from eternal destruction.

These 30 inspirational Easter quotes from religious leaders, famous influencers, authors, and anonymous sources will enable us to embrace the spirit of Easter and usher in this time of restoration and revival. This collection of Easter quotes, ranging from Deepak Chopra to T.D. Jakes is sure to motivate, encourage, and enlighten our day.

Many of us celebrate Easter by enjoying a basket full of goodies, including egg-shaped chocolates, colorful jelly beans, and marshmallow bunnies. However, we should understand that the true meaning of the festival is considerably more profound than just the plethora of treats we consume and the numerous festivities we enjoy on that day.

Different people have different ideas about what Easter is all about.
Some people know very little about it. Some people consider it a part of their faith that they should celebrate. Others simply regard it as a ritual they’ve observed since they were kids.

Here are a few facts about Easter that will help us better understand what it is all about.

Easter or Resurrection Day is when our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, conquered the grave and rose again from the dead after suffering for our trespasses on the cross and dying the death we all deserve. He rescued His believers from their iniquities and helped them possess the blessing of everlasting life.

After a 40-day fasting period known as Lent, Easter falls on a Sunday. Lent is a time for prayer and repentance. Fasting in modern forms is increasingly being adopted, ranging from 40 days of doing good deeds to 40 days of not using electronic devices. It is entirely dependent on the person who is fasting. Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter, and it includes Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday. Resurrection Day or Easter symbolizes restoration, regeneration, renewal, and faith in the resurrection of Christ.

Inspiring Easter Quotes

These Easter quotes are sure to put us in a good mood and make us smile as we approach the event. These encouraging and joyful Easter quotes will enable us to complete an Easter letter or provide some seasonal energy.

The Easter Prayer

Dear Lord God of kindness, You have prepared such beautiful things, which are far beyond our compression. Wash away our transgressions, grant us new birth in the Spirit, and redeem us by Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ’s blood. God our Father, by raising Christ Your Son from the dead, You have defeated death’s power and opened the door to eternal life for us. Enhance our understanding of these blessings as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, and refresh Your gift of life inside us. May we, loving You in all things and above all things, obtain Your promises, which exceed all that we can desire. Allow Your Spirit within us to raise us and revitalize our lives.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns forever with You and the Holy Spirit, one God. Amen.

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To help us get into the mood of the celebration, this compilation of Easter quotes will give us a better understanding of what the season is all about. Countless thinkers, artists, spiritual personalities, and other prominent figures have contributed their views, insights, and perspectives about this hallowed day throughout history, and this collection includes some of the best. With these profound words, we can celebrate the fiesta of faith, love, rebirth, and rejuvenation.

Sharing these Easter quotes is a unique way to connect and inspire discussions, regardless of how we use them. These Easter quotes will surely motivate someone to start over.

These meaningful Easter quotes can help us send a sentimental Resurrection Day message to a loved one or post on social media for all our followers.

Let the joy and beauty of the resurrection of Jesus Christ elevate us from loneliness, frailty, and misery to health, elegance, and glory.

Our articles on Lent will help you understand the need for God’s presence in your lives and use this season as a time of repenting, sobriety, refocusing, and renewing. Practice prayer, observe fasting, give up something, and assist those in need.

Check our amazing collection of quotes that will inspire positivity, happy feelings, serenity, and spirituality. Our motivating quotes will boost your spirit and put you in the right frame of mind as you start your day.

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  1. Christman 29th April 2022

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