Jesus in the Bible — He is the Lord God Himself and the Savior of the world. He is the central theme of the Holy Bible. The whole Bible is about our beloved redeemer. You have missed the whole point if you know the Bible, but do not know Jesus.
There will be no end to his kingdom and He shall reign forever. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Praise be to His Holy Name. Hallelujah.
Below you will discover our beloved Lord in every book of the Bible.
Jesus in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation
Old Testament Book | Main Revelation | Key Prophecies |
Genesis | The Seed of the Woman | Messiah would be born of the seed of a woman (Gen 3:15, Luke 1:34-35) Messiah would be a descendant of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob (Gen 12:3, 17:19, 28:14, Luke 3:23-34) Messiah would be a king in the line of Judah (Gen 49:10, John 1:49) Typified in the person of Melchizedek (Gen 14:18) The life of Isaac – the sacrificed son (Gen 22) The life of Joseph – the rejected brother (Gen 37) |
Exodus | The Passover Lamb | Typified in the life of Moses – the deliverer The Passover Lamb (Ex 12, John 1:29,36) The Manna from Heaven (Ex 16, John 6) The Rock struck at Horeb (Ex 17, 1 Cor 10:4) The Tabernacle (Brazen Altar, Lampstand, Table of Showbread, Ark of the covenant, etc.) (Gen 25-30) |
Leviticus | The High Priest | Typified in the sacrifices and offerings (Lev 1-7) In the Jewish festivals (Passover, Atonement, Lev 16, 23) In the scapegoat (Lev 16:7-9) In the person and duties of the High Priest (Lev 16) |
Numbers | The Cloud and the Fire | Messiah would be a King (Num 24:17) Typified in the bronze serpent (Num 21:8-9) The water from the Rock (Num 20) |
Deuteronomy | The Prophet like Moses | Messiah will be a prophet (Deut 18:15-19, John 6:14) Angels would worship Messiah (Deut 32:43, Luke 2:13-14) Typified in the cities of refuge (Deut 4:41) |
Joshua | The Captain of Our Salvation | Typified in the person of Joshua (our leader into the promised land) In the Promised Land In the Commander of the Army (Josh 5:13-15) |
Judges | The Judge and Lawgiver | Typified in the Judges (for He is true Judge of the living and the dead) |
Ruth | The Kinsman Redeemer | Messiah would be a descendant of Boaz and Ruth (Ruth 4:12-17) Typified in the life of Boaz – The Kinsman Redeemer (Ruth 2:1) |
1 & 2 Samuel | The Prophet of the Lord | Messiah exalted by God with power (1 Sam 2:10, Matt 28:18) Messiah would be a descendant of David (2 Sam 7:12-16, Matt 1:1) Messiah would be the ‘Rock’ (2 Sam 23:2-3, 1 Cor 10:4) Typified in the life of David – The King in Exile (1 Sam 22) The life of Jonathon – the faithful friend (1 Sam 18:1-4) |
1 & 2 Kings | The Reigning King | Typified in the life of Solomon (the Millennial Reign) In the life and miracles of the prophet Elisha (multiplying bread 2 Kings 4:42, healing leper 2 Kings 5) |
1 & 2 Chronicles | The Glorious Temple | Messiah would be from the tribe of Judah (1 Chron 5:2, Luke 3:23-32) Typified in Solomon’s temple In the Wisdom of Solomon (2 Chron 9:22) |
Ezra | The Faithful Scribe | Typified in the person of Zerubbabel, the rebuilder of the temple (Ezra 4) |
Nehemiah | The Rebuilder of the Walls | Typified in the person of Nehemiah, the rebuilder of the walls of salvation |
Esther | Mordecai | Typified in the person of Mordecai |
Psalms | The Lord Who is Our Shepherd | Messiah would be the Son of God (Ps 2:7, 12, Matt 17:5) Messiah would be resurrected (Ps 16:8-10, Acts 13:30-37) Messiah would be despised & crucified (Ps 22:6-8, 14, Luke 23:21-23, Matt 27:35) Messiah would be hated without cause (Ps 69:4, Luke 23:13-22) Messiah would be Lord, seated at the right hand of God (Ps 110:1,5, 1 Pet 3:21-22) Messiah would be in the line of Melchizedek (Ps 110:4, Heb 6:17-20) Messiah would be the ‘stone’ rejected by the Jews (Ps 118:22, Matt 21:42-43) Key Messianic Psalms: Chapters 2, 8, 16, 22, 45, 69, 89, 109, 110, 118 |
Proverbs & Ecclesiastes | The Wisdom of God | Messiah would be from everlasting (Prov 8:22-23, John 17:5) Messiah would be the Son of God (Prov 30:4, Matt 3:16-17) Typified in the Wisdom of God (Prov 8:22-31) |
Song of Solomon | The Lover and the Bridegroom | Typified in the Bridegroom’s love for, and marriage to, the bride |
Isaiah | The Suffering Servant | Messiah would be born of a virgin (Is 7:14, Luke 1:34-35) Messiah would be Immanuel “God with us” (Is 7:14, Matt 1:21-23) Messiah would be God and Man (Is 9:6, John 10:30) Messiah would have the 7-fold Spirit upon Him (Is 11:1-2, Matt 3:16-17) Messiah would heal the blind, lame, deaf (Is 35:5-6, Mark 10:51-52) Messiah would be proceeded by a forerunner (Is 40:3, Luke 1:17) Messiah would be a light to the gentiles (Is 42:6, John 8:12) Messiah would be despised by the Jewish nation (Is 49:7, John 10:20, Matt 27:23) Messiah would be whipped and beaten (Is 50:6, Matt 26:67, 27:26) Messiah would die as a guilt offering for sin (Is 53:10, John 18:11) Messiah would be resurrected and live forever (Is 53:10, Mark 16:16) |
Jeremiah & Lamentations | The Weeping Prophet | Messiah would be God (Jer 23:6, John 13:13) Messiah would be a righteous Branch (Jer 23:5) Messiah would be our righteousness (Jer 23:6, 1 Cor 1:30) |
Ezekiel | The Son of Man | Messiah would be a descendant of David (Ez 34:23-24, Matt 1:1) |
Daniel | The Son of Man coming in the clouds of Heaven | Messiah would be ‘a son of man’ given an everlasting kingdom (Dan 7:13-14, Luke 1:31-34) Messiah would come 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem (Dan 9:25, John 12:12-23) Messiah would be killed (Dan 9:26, Matt 27:35) Revealed as the ‘stone’ (and His kingdom) that smashes the kingdoms of the world (Dan 2:34,44) Typified in the 4th man in the fiery furnace – one like ‘the son of gods’ (Dan 3:25) |
Hosea | The Bridegroom | Typified in Hosea’s faithfulness to his adulterous wife (Hos 3) |
Joel | The Baptizer with the Holy Spirit | Messiah will offer salvation to all mankind (Joel 2:32, Rom 10:12-13) Messiah would baptize people with the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28-32) |
Amos | The Burden Bearer | God would darken the day at noon during Messiah’s death (Amos 8:9, Matt 27:45-46) |
Obadiah | The Mighty Savior | |
Jonah | The Forgiving God | Typified in Jonah being 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a fish (Jon 1:17, Matt 12:40) |
Micah | The Messenger With Beautiful Feet | Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Mic 5:2, Matt 2:1-2) Messiah would be from everlasting (Mic 5:2, Rev:1-8) |
Nahum | The Avenger of God’s Elect | |
Habakkuk | The Great Evangelist, Crying for Revival | Messiah would come from Teman at His return, full of glory (Hab 3:3) Typified in the life of Habakkuk (his intercession and prayer for his people) |
Zephaniah | The Restorer of the Remnant | |
Haggai | The Cleansing Fountain | Messiah would visit the 2nd temple (Hag 2:6-9, Luke 2:27-32) |
Zechariah | The Pierced Son | Messiah would be Priest and King (Zech 6:12-13, Heb 8:1) Messiah would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey (Zech 9:9, Matt 21:6-9) Messiah would be God (Zech 11:12-13, John 12:45) Messiah would be pierced (Zech 12:10, John 19:34-37) |
Malachi | The Son of Righteousness | Messiah would appear at the temple (Mal 3:1, Mark 11:15-16) Messiah’s forerunner would come in the spirit of Elijah (Mat 4:5, Matt 3:1-2) |
New Testament Book | Main Revelation | Titles/Names Revealed of Jesus |
Matthew | The Messiah | The Son of David (Matt 1:1) The King of the Jews (Matt 2:2) The Son of God (Matt 2:15). The Bridegroom (Matt 9:15) |
Mark | The Miracle Worker | The Holy One of God (Mark 1:24) The Servant (Mark 10:45) The King of Israel (Mark 15:32) |
Luke | The Son of Man | The Horn of Salvation (Luke 1:69) The Consolation of Israel (Luke 2:25) |
John | The Son of God | The Only Begotten Son: (John 1:14,18) The Lamb of God (John 1:29,36) The Bread of Life (John 6:35) The Light of the World (John 8:1) The I AM! (John 8:58) The Door of the Sheep: (John 10:7,9) The Good Shepherd (John 10:11) The Resurrection and life (John 11:25) The Way, the Truth, the Life (John 14:6) The True Vine (John 15:1) |
Acts | The Ascended Lord | The Prince of Life (Acts 3:15) The Judge of the living and the dead (Acts 10:42) The Just One (Acts 7:52). The Hope of Israel (Acts 28:20) |
Romans | The Justifier | The Rock of Offense (Romans 9:33) The Deliverer (Romans 11:26) The Lord of the dead and the living (Romans 14:9) The Root of Jesse (Romans 15:12) |
1 & 2 Corinthians | The Last Adam | The First-fruits (1 Corinthians 15:23) The Last Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45) |
Galatians | The One Who sets us Free | The Lord Jesus Christ (Gal 1:3) |
Ephesians | The Christ of Riches | The Head over All Things (Ephesians 1:22) The Cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20) |
Philippians | The God Who meets our Every Need | The Name above all names (Philippians 2:9) |
Colossians | The Fullness of the Godhead | The Image of the Invisible God (Colossians 1:15) The Head of the body (Colossians 1:18) The Beginning (Colossians 1:18) The Firstborn from the dead (Colossians 1:18) The Hope of Glory (Col 1:27) |
1 & 2 Thessalonians | The Soon Coming King | The Lord of Peace (2 Thessalonians 3:16) |
1 & 2 Timothy | The Mediator between God and Man | The King of Ages (1 Timothy 1:17) The Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5) |
Titus | The Blessed Hope | The Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13) The Great God and Saviour (Titus 2:13) |
Philemon | The Friend, Closer than a Brother | The Lord Jesus Christ (Philemon 3) |
Hebrews | The Blood that washes away my Sins | The Heir of All Things (Hebrews 1:2) The Faithful High Priest (Hebrews 2:17) The Author and Finisher of our Faith (Hebrews 12:2) |
James | The Great Physician | The Lord of Glory (James 2:1) The Judge at the door (James 5:9) |
1 & 2 Peter | The Chief Shepherd | The Living Stone (1 Peter 2:4) The Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4) |
1 & 2 & 3 John | Everlasting Love | The Eternal Life (1 John 1:2) The Righteous (1 John 2:1) |
Jude | The God our Saviour | The Only Wise God our Saviour (Jude 25) |
Revelation | The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! | The Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last: (Revelation 1:17, 22:13) The Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Rev 5:5) The Word of God (Revelation 19:13). The King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:16) The Bright Morning Star (Revelation 22:16) |
Jesus in the Bible – His Life on Earth
Jesus in the Bible was prophesied by Old Testament prophets as the divine Messiah. Jesus in the Bible was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born to a virgin mother. Jesus in the Bible started His ministry after He was baptized by John the Baptist and anointed by God with the Holy Spirit. Jesus in the Bible chose 12 disciples for His ministry on Earth. Jesus in the Bible went about doing good transforming countless lives.
Jesus in the Bible performed many miracles such as healing the sick, raising the dead, feeding the crowd, casting out devils, and controlling nature. Jesus in the Bible is the Messiah, the Son of God, the Son of Man, the High Priest, and the Prince of Peace.
Jesus in the Bible was crucified for the sins of the world, conquered death through His resurrection, went up to heaven, and is now sitting at the right hand of God the Father.
Are you intrigued by or desire to know more about Jesus, his life, and his teachings or any aspect of His life on earth? Check our series of articles on Jesus Christ that are both comprehensive and easy to understand.
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Team Bibilium
I value the blog post.Really thank you! Great.
Great work mighty man of God, I thank God for the great research work you have done in compiling this notes
God Bless you. Let God’s Name be Glorified Forever.
Have a wonderful day ahead.
Team Bibilium
Love your website. Very user friendly. Is there a way to print the “Jesus in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation” chart that you have on your website. ? I lead an outreach to college athletes and last night in Bible study we were discussing Jesus being the central character of the WHOLE Bible not just the new testament. This was new information to some of the young believers and a couple of seekers. This would be an excellent resource to help these young men get the big picture. In Christ,
Charlie Clary
Hi Charlie,
Thank you for your kind words. We have sent the PDF to your email ID from
Team Bibilium
To whom it may concern,
I have sought for quite some time just this; to find the Lords name in all 66 books of the Holy Bible. When I try to print it out, it says says Don’t Copy text!. How may I ask for you to bless me with the full verses of Our Lord in All 66 books of the Bible so I may help other people to see and know the Truth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Our whole purpose in life is to help lead people to Jesus Christ! James 1:22 kjv says, But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. And as it says in Proverbs 11:25 kjv The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. You also will be watered for blessing me with these verses. I have been a believer for for 60 years this year and believe that all believers should be active in speaking in Truth to all who need help in these days we are all experiencing. We are living in ,in another Country where Christians are persecuted. I am fulling willing to Do His will for My life. Could you Please send me a pdf copy!
Long time Believer
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Team Bibilium
Nice Compilation
Thank you. God Bless.
Team Bibilium
Love This. This is Exactly what believers need. We need to know the truth so we can give an answer to every men that ask us of the reason of our Hope.
Thank you so much!