Prayer for Coronavirus Crisis

Coronavirus is a family of viruses, which may cause the common cold or more severe diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and the new coronavirus disease, called COVID-19, which first appeared in late 2019 in Wuhan, China,

This deadly disease is spreading rapidly across the world and till now over 182,000 people have been infected and the death toll is over 7,100. It has been officially declared a pandemic (a disease epidemic that has spread across a large region, for instance, multiple continents or worldwide) by the World Health Organization. Many people feel powerless in the face of this pandemic. The disease seems to crop up in many more places, and it is devastating to see how this virus spreads from person to person.

As a follower of Christ, we need to turn to our Almighty God in these times of fear, despair, and hopelessness. Let us pray together to ask God to show us His abundant love, mercy, and truth in these times of distress through our redeemer Jesus Christ.

The Prayer

Do you find yourself struggling with how to pray and what to pray for? Read our popular prayers for various situations and needs that are directed to fulfill personal needs or deep spiritual enlightenment. These prayers will comfort, help, and guide you when you are worried, suffering loss, or facing uncertainty in your life.


  1. Alicia Turli 28th April 2020
  2. Wilton Zomora 28th April 2020
  3. keira meister 15th June 2020
  4. Crystal 16th June 2020
  5. leonard 17th June 2020
    • bibiliumlearn 17th June 2020
  6. Hulda 17th June 2020
    • bibiliumlearn 17th June 2020
  7. Fogg 3rd July 2020
  8. Marlon 4th July 2020
  9. Kautz 25th July 2020
  10. edgardo 7th August 2020
  11. Merle Earnhardt 8th August 2020
  12. johnette luther 8th August 2020
  13. sidney swanston 8th August 2020
  14. sterling 9th August 2020
  15. Noah 14th September 2020
  16. elena barrera 8th November 2020
  17. cleo 23rd June 2021
  18. Macumber 30th June 2021
  19. taylam 1st September 2021
  20. Railes 1st September 2021
  21. chelsey 4th September 2021
  22. claude 11th September 2021
  23. grady 11th September 2021
  24. nancee 13th September 2021
    • bibiliumlearn 14th September 2021
  25. lynda 15th September 2021
  26. ethel 17th September 2021
  27. sherryl 27th September 2021
    • bibiliumlearn 3rd October 2021
  28. garland 16th October 2021
  29. lillie 18th October 2021
  30. bolt 25th October 2021
  31. latoya 29th October 2021
  32. renald 7th November 2021
  33. myrna 30th April 2022

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