Jesus is the Light of the World | Darkness Will Never Conquer Us | John 9 5

Jesus is the light of the world as the world has no other light than the Son of the Living God. The earth and everyone who lives on it needs Christ as He is the only source of spiritual light.

Jesus is the light of the world because He is from the Heavenly Father and speaks on the authority of the Father. Jesus is the light of the world as He is going to the Father, is one with the Father, and does nothing on His own. His authority is due to His relationship with the Lord Almighty as the Only Begotten Son.

We will continue to strive with sin all our lives, but if we confess to the Almighty One our sins and ask Him for forgiveness, He is faithful and just to forgive us. We need to live honest and sincere lives and thrive in God’s radiance.

Jesus owns the world, and His illumination makes the world shine in beauty and truth. Humans have no other spiritual truth or light available. We can access this radiance when we follow Him, and we will not experience spiritual darkness ever again. His illumination will enter our sinful hearts and take away the wickedness, giving us mercy, love, and grace. We will see the Supreme Being through this radiance as Jesus redeemed us from our sins and offered salvation to every family of the human race.

When we have the Light of Jesus in our hearts, we will shine our reflected illumination in other people’s lives (just as the moon reflects the sun’s light), who are struggling to have a relationship with God, bringing glory to God in the process.

Jesus is the light of the world, and whoever rejects Him will perish and go to hell forever. However, if we choose to follow Him, we will survive and live with the Lord God in Heaven joyfully and perpetually.

Jesus is the light of the world, Jesus is the light
John 9 5

Jesus is the Light of the World

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