1 Famous Short Moral Story — The King and the Noble Peasant

This Short Moral Story teaches us that every obstacle we face presents an opportunity to improve our situation. This short moral story also questions whether we are socially responsible to contribute to the betterment of our society.

Story of the King and Noble Peasant (Short Moral Story)

Once upon a time, there lived a wise and curious King who ruled a mountainous kingdom in Europe. One day, he decided to conduct a social experiment. He had his palace guards place a boulder on a busy roadway. He hid and watched to see how his subjects dealt with this challenge and if any one of them was willing to remove the huge rock that was obstructing the movement of vehicles.

As he was watching, he saw some of his wealthiest merchants and courtiers walk by the boulder, but never attempted to move it. Some of them walked around the rock and loudly blamed the authorities for not keeping the roads clear. However, no one did anything to get the stone out of the way.

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This Short Moral Story teaches us that every obstacle we face presents an opportunity to improve our situation. This short moral story also questions whether we are socially responsible to contribute to the betterment of our society.

Story of the King and Noble Peasant (Short Moral Story)

Once upon a time, there lived a wise and curious King who ruled a mountainous kingdom in Europe. One day, he decided to conduct a social experiment. He had his palace guards place a boulder on a busy roadway. He hid and watched to see how his subjects dealt with this challenge and if any one of them was willing to remove the huge rock that was obstructing the movement of vehicles.

As he was watching, he saw some of his wealthiest merchants and courtiers walk by the boulder, but never attempted to move it. Some of them walked around the rock and loudly blamed the authorities for not keeping the roads clear. However, no one did anything to get the stone out of the way.

short moral story, moral story

Finally, a peasant arrived on the scene with some sheep. He saw people murmuring and shouting about the rock that was in the middle of the road. Some of them even blamed the King for this situation. The peasant thought, “I should move this out of the way as it causing too much pain and stress to my fellow citizens.”

moral story, short moral story

He said a small prayer, asking God to give Him the strength and ability to move the boulder without much difficulty. He immediately swung into action and tried to push the boulder out of the way. When people saw this, they started laughing at him and thought he was a fool attempting to move such a big stone. No one tried to give him a hand. After some time, with much bending, pulling, lifting, pushing, and straining, he managed to move the rock away from the path.

The people who saw this were happy that the boulder was no longer in the middle of the road. However, no one thanked him for his effort. The peasant looking visibly relieved, after the result, was about to walk on when he saw a small bag that had been lying on the road where the boulder was. He picked it up and looked inside. The bag was full of gold coins.

Seeing this, the King approached the peasant and said, “You are the person I have been looking for.” The peasant was confused as to what he had done. The King looking at the bewildered peasant and told him, “You were the only person who chose to move the boulder out of the way and has shown that any obstacle can be turned into an opportunity for success. You deserve the prize. Go and be happy”

The Lesson from the Short Moral Story

This short moral story gives us a valuable lesson to ponder. We always fail to see beyond the barriers that we come across in life. Life is full of challenges, and every person has his/her share of problems. However, what is important is we should have faith in God that He will help us to overcome the hurdles we are facing.

This short moral story teaches us that we should look at each problem as an opportunity for growth and learning. We should never get stressed as we sometimes aggravate the situation by the way we handle the problem. Remember, God gives us strength and makes us bold when we encounter boulders on our path.

This short moral story encourages us to seek God’s direction as He always provides the solution to any problem we face. We need to go beyond the problem to get the solution. Remember, trials make us stronger and the experience we gain from them, becomes the perfect preparation for the work that God will give us to do.

This short moral story in English instructs that we should never murmur, complain, or criticize about the issues we face, but make efforts to move the boulder, like the peasant in the story, with God’s help so that every conflict and crisis we face will become a chance for improvement, change, and transformation.

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12

We hope this short moral story for kids not only inspired you but also empowered you to take action in times of uncertainty, danger, or stress.

Check our wide collection of Moral Stories that will inspire you and your children to do great things for the good of others. These stories for kids are motivating stories that will teach valuable lessons. x

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  • 1 Famous Short Moral Story — The King and the Noble Peasant
  • https://bibilium.com/short-moral-story-moral-story/
  • This short moral story teaches us that every obstacle we face presents an opportunity to improve our situation and questions our social responsibility.
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short moral story, moral story

Finally, a peasant arrived on the scene with some sheep. He saw people murmuring and shouting about the rock that was in the middle of the road. Some of them even blamed the King for this situation. The peasant thought, “I should move this out of the way as it causing too much pain and stress to my fellow citizens.”

moral story, short moral story

He said a small prayer, asking God to give Him the strength and ability to move the boulder without much difficulty. He immediately swung into action and tried to push the boulder out of the way. When people saw this, they started laughing at him and thought he was a fool attempting to move such a big stone. No one tried to give him a hand. After some time, with much bending, pulling, lifting, pushing, and straining, he managed to move the rock away from the path.

The people who saw this were happy that the boulder was no longer in the middle of the road. However, no one thanked him for his effort. The peasant looking visibly relieved, after the result, was about to walk on when he saw a small bag that had been lying on the road where the boulder was. He picked it up and looked inside. The bag was full of gold coins.

Seeing this, the King approached the peasant and said, “You are the person I have been looking for.” The peasant was confused as to what he had done. The King looking at the bewildered peasant and told him, “You were the only person who chose to move the boulder out of the way and has shown that any obstacle can be turned into an opportunity for success. You deserve the prize. Go and be happy”

The Lesson from the Short Moral Story

This short moral story gives us a valuable lesson to ponder. We always fail to see beyond the barriers that we come across in life. Life is full of challenges, and every person has his/her share of problems. However, what is important is we should have faith in God that He will help us to overcome the hurdles we are facing.

This short moral story teaches us that we should look at each problem as an opportunity for growth and learning. We should never get stressed as we sometimes aggravate the situation by the way we handle the problem. Remember, God gives us strength and makes us bold when we encounter boulders on our path.

This short moral story encourages us to seek God’s direction as He always provides the solution to any problem we face. We need to go beyond the problem to get the solution. Remember, trials make us stronger and the experience we gain from them, becomes the perfect preparation for the work that God will give us to do.

This short moral story in English instructs that we should never murmur, complain, or criticize about the issues we face, but make efforts to move the boulder, like the peasant in the story, with God’s help so that every conflict and crisis we face will become a chance for improvement, change, and transformation.

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12

We hope this short moral story for kids not only inspired you but also empowered you to take action in times of uncertainty, danger, or stress.

Check our wide collection of Moral Stories that will inspire you and your children to do great things for the good of others. These stories for kids are motivating stories that will teach valuable lessons.

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