The Greedy Dog Story | 1 Mesmerizing Aesop’s Tale

The greedy dog story is an Aesop tale that shows greed causes pain, and if you want everything every time, you will lose everything anytime.

The Greedy Dog Story

There was once a stray dog who lived in the town of Abdera in Greece. He was always hungry and roamed the streets searching for food. He was very greedy, and many times he had to pay for his gluttony. Each time he promised himself that he would not be greedy again, but he will soon forget his promises and become self-indulgent as ever.

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One afternoon, he was famished and decided to look for something to eat. He noticed a butcher shop and saw a big juicy bone. He stole the bone and ran as fast as he can before the butcher could catch him. He came across a narrow bridge along a beautiful stream and spotted a field on the other side. Looking for a quiet place to enjoy his prized possession, he decided to cross the bridge (holding the bone in his mouth).

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As he was walking over the wooden bridge, he happened to look into the stream and saw his image in the water. He mistook his reflection for another dog with a bone that looked much bigger than the one he had stolen from the butcher. Consumed by covetousness, he immediately wanted to snatch the bone from the other dog. He started growling, and the reflection growled back.

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He became very angry and barked at the reflection. As he opened his mouth, the bone fell into the river. It was only when the water splashed, the greedy dog realized that what he saw was nothing but his reflection and not another dog. He tried to retrieve the bone, but it was swept away by the current in the stream. He had lost his tasty treat because of his avariciousness. He stood on the bridge sadly thinking about the big bone and how his greed and jealousy led to his loss. He went home tired, hungry, and crying.

Moral of Greedy Dog Story

The moral of the greedy dog story is that it is very foolish to be greedy in life. We should be content with what life offers us and welcome the challenges and gifts with courage and wisdom. The greedy dog story teaches us that greed is a curse that blocks us from seeing the real value of things. We should not be tempted to take away other people’s possessions but work hard and be satisfied in whatever we do.

Bible Verses About Greed

greed bible verses
Bible Verses About Greed

Check our wide collection of Moral Stories that will inspire you and your children to do great things for the good of others. These stories for kids are motivating stories that will teach valuable lessons.

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