Two Friends and a Bear Story | 1 Powerful Tale on Fake Friendship

The two friends and a bear story teaches us that adversity is the acid test for true friendship. The two friends and a bear story illustrates that we should never trust people who do not care for us.

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Let us now delve into the two friends and a bear story that demonstrates that a fake friend will not help us in our time of need.

The Two Friends and a Bear Story

two friends and a bear, two friends and a bear story, friends bear, the two friends and the bear

Once upon a time, there were two close friends, John and Jose, who lived in a small village near a beautiful forest. They were buddies since childhood who did everything together. One day, they planned to travel to a nearby town to visit a fair. However, they had to cross the deep and dense jungle to reach the fairgrounds.

The forest was full of ferocious wild animals, and many people have had dangerous encounters crossing it from time to time. The friends did not want to trek through the forest, but they had no choice. They were seized with terror thinking of what lay ahead.

However, the friends made a vow that they will stand by each other, remain united in case of any danger or trouble, and help one another in whatever way they can through the expedition.

two friends and a bear, two friends and a bear story, friends bear, the two friends and the bear

The friends went into the forest and enjoyed the beauty of nature. They were walking on a lonely and treacherous path in the jungle. The sun began to set, and the friends started getting afraid as they entered the deeper part of the forest. They heard many strange noises that disturbed them. However, they held on to each other and kept walking.

two friends and a bear, two friends and a bear story, friends bear, the two friends and the bear

Suddenly, they saw a large brown bear in their path coming towards them. Sensing danger and extremely frightened, they started running away from the bear.

two friends and a bear, two friends and a bear story, friends bear, the two friends and the bear

However, John realizing the gravity of the situation quickly climbed a nearby tree, which was very tall, to save himself. He did not bother to look whether his friend Jose was following him.

Meanwhile, Jose seeing his companion running away and climbing the tree in a jiffy was left stunned as he did not know how to climb a tree. Jose asked his friend, “Amigo, understand I have never climbed a tree before. Please help me.” John replied, “Sorry mate, I can’t come down now. I will not endanger my life for your sake. The bear can come any minute now. Help yourself. You have to try harder and make it.” Saying this, he crossed his arms and held himself close to the tree.

Jose was perplexed and stunned. He knew he could not scale the tree. He remained still and could not think of how to save himself from the wild bear. His mind was racing to forge a plan to get out of this dangerous situation. Immediately, he remembered something that he had heard before. His uncle, who was an expert in the ways of the jungle, had told him that bears do not prefer to eat dead bodies.

Jose laid himself on the ground, closed his eyes, and held back his breath, pretending to be dead. The bear approached Jose and sniffed around his head, nose, and ears. Jose could feel the heavy breathing of the bear going up and down his neck and face. He was in a state of shock and froze completely. After smelling him all over, the bear came towards his face appearing to whisper something in his ear. Taking him for a dead man, the bear left the place after a few minutes.

two friends and a bear, two friends and a bear story, friends bear, the two friends and the bear

After making sure that the bear had walked away, John climbed down the tree and asked Jose whether he was all right. Jose got up from the ground and replied, “I am fine, thank God I had a narrow escape. It was horrid. I wish even my enemies do not go through this ghastly

John told him, “I am glad you are fine. However, I am curious to know what was the bear saying in your ears? I found it mumbling something.”

Jose curtly answered, “You know, John. The bear advised me to keep my distance from fake friends like you who run away at the slightest hint of danger. I will always avoid your company since you left me alone and stranded when I most needed your help. You are selfish and untrustworthy.”

John bowed his head in shame. Jose began to walk towards his village without saying anything more.

Moral of the Two Friends and a Bear Story

The first moral of the two friends and a bear story is to never journey with a selfish friend who deserts us in times of crisis. The second moral of the two friends and a bear story is that a true friend will always support us and stand by us in any situation. The third moral of the two friends and a bear story is that friends will not only share our happiness but also take part in our sorrows and trials.

Check our wide collection of Moral Stories that will inspire you and your children to do great things for the good of others. These stories for kids are motivating stories that will teach valuable lessons.


  1. Shamim Rana 1st October 2023
    • bibiliumlearn 2nd October 2023

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