25 Important Bible Quotes About Fake Friends | Who is a Fake Friend?

Let us now discover 33 Bible quotes about fake friends who intentionally slander behind your back, do not care how you feel, will always put you down in front of others, gossip to others about your faults and intimate secrets, take advantage of your weakness, and use you for their own benefit.

The following Bible verse in the Book of Psalms illustrates who is a true friend. A loyal and sincere friend loves you at all times regardless of what the circumstances are. Some of the qualities of a true friend are respectfulness, cooperativeness, positive influence, reliability, vigilance, trustworthiness, forgiving, willingness to make sacrifices, exercising self-control, providing inspiration, and being supportive, cooperative, and nonjudgmental.

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We all know that fake friends are two-faced who laugh with you but secretly hate you and are jealous of you. They belittle you and your talents and accomplishments. They give you bad advice so that you do not succeed or surpass them. They are always critical and pick on you for minor mistakes. They always see the bad and never the good in you. They abandon you in your time of need and always wait for an opportunity to bring you down.

Fake friends are liars and hypocrites who love to flatter you and deceive you with smooth words. They are backstabbers and self-promoting and never keep their promises ever. They make mistakes and will never seek to correct them.

You should never trust them, for they will only hurt your feelings and break your heart.

Here we present 33 Bible quotes about fake friends, which will help you identify these types of friends, tell you right away their characteristics and personal values, and tell what will happen to you if you have one as your confidante.

Bible Quotes About Fake Friends

We hope these Bible quotes about fake friends will help you avoid phonies and take action when you come in contact with one.

Check our amazing collection of quotes that will inspire positivity, happy feelings, serenity, and spirituality. Our motivating quotes will boost your spirit and put you in the right frame of mind as you start your day.

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