Ancient of Days (Blessing and Honor) — 1 Powerful Worship Song — Ron Kenoly

Ancient of Days is a praise and worship song that draws its inspiration from the book of Daniel Chapter 7, where the name of God is given as Ancient of Days. Daniel’s vision included the Ancient One, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away, and his kingdom that shall not be destroyed (Daniel 7:14). We must worship the Living God as He transcends time and space.

The Almighty Creator is the sovereign ruler and is the highest authority on Earth and in the heavens. He is the Holy One, and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. He should be revered and deserves our adulation and admiration. We should be thankful for His glorious creation and awe-inspiring works in our lives. Join the angels, archangels, dominions, thrones, principalities, and powers, and all the throngs of heaven in praising God’s glory and power.

Let us worship the Supreme Being as it is a good, right, and joyful thing to thank our Father in Heaven.

Ancient of Days (Blessing and Honor) Song

The song was written by Jamie Harvill and Gary Sadler in 1991 and it was featured on a live recording by Ron Kenoly.


Oh yes!

Blessing and Honor
Glory and Power
Be unto the ancient of days
From every nation
All of creation
Bow before the ancient of days

Every tongue in heaven and earth
Shall declare Your glory
Every knee shall bow at Your throne
In worship
You will be exalted, oh God
And Your kingdom shall not pass away
Oh ancient of days

Oh blessing and Honor
Glory and Power
Be unto the ancient of days
From every nation
All of creation (Lord divine)
Bow before the ancient of days (every tongue)

Every tongue in heaven and earth
Shall declare Your glory
Every knee shall bow at Your throne
In worship
You will be exalted oh God
And Your kingdom shall not pass away
Oh ancient of days
Oh ancient of days

Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth (sing unto)
Sing unto the ancient of days
For none can compare to Your matchless worth (sing)
Sing unto the ancient of days (every tongue)

Every tongue in heaven and earth
Shall declare Your glory
Every knee shall bow at Your throne (shall bow)
In worship
You will be exalted oh God (our Lord)
And Your kingdom shall not pass away (will never pass away)

Oh ancient of days (x5)

Ooh yeah
Oh yes
Lord we just continue to celebrate You
We worship You not only with our mouths and
With our hands clapping and feet dancing
But Lord, we, we even worship You on our instruments tonight

Oh yeah

Oh prophesize

Oh yeah




Oh yeah!

Oh yeah!

Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth (sing unto)
Sing unto the ancient of days (none can compare)
For none can compare to Your matchless worth (sing)
Sing unto the ancient of days (x4)

Your kingdom reigns, Lord!
Over all the earth, You reign, Lord
Yesterday, today, and forever You reign, oh God
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, woo!

Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth
Sign unto the ancient of days
None can compare to Your matchless worth
Oh sing to the ancient of days

Sing to the Lord as He Deserves Our Worship

ancient of days lyrics, ancient of days, ron kenoly

We should sing to the Lord as long as we live. We should sing to the Lord as He has done marvelous things. The Psalmist says in Psalm 96 that we should sing to the Lord a new song. All the earth should sing to the Lord because He has made us perfect and free. We should rejoice and bless His Holy name. We should proclaim God’s salvation every day and declare His glory among the nations. Remember, our Savior is worthy of all our praises.

Some of the benefits of singing to the Lord in our day to day life are: getting in touch with our Creator and enjoying His presence, thanking Him when we are filled with a sense of gratitude and cannot find words to express our gratefulness, enriching and deepening our relationship with our Heavenly Father, allowing the Word of God to dwell in us richly, and being filled with the Spirit of God who will guide us into all truth and lead us in the path of righteousness.

Our collection of inspirational contemporary Christian songs will rejuvenate your soul, bring Biblical truth to your life, and make your heart overflow in Godly passion.

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