A Thousand Praise Offerings [901-950]

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901 O! Lord, how great are Your works I Praise You Ps 92:5

902 Your work is perfect and all Your ways are justice I Praise You Deut 32:4

903 Your righteousness is like the great mountains So, I Praise You Ps 36:6

904 Your glory is above the earth and heaven I Praise You Ps 148:13

905 He who said, I am with you always, even to the end of the age I Praise You Matt 28:20

906 For Your mercy, O Lord which is in the heavens I Praise You Ps 36:5

907 Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds I Praise You Ps 36:5

908 The children of men take refuge under the shadow of Your wings So, I Praise You Ps 36:7

909 For the chariots of God that are twenty thousand even thousands of thousands I Praise You Ps 68:17

910 He who makes the clouds His chariot and walks on wings I Praise You Ps 104:3

911 He who rides on the clouds I Praise You Ps 68:4

912 Lord, You have stretched out the heavens like a curtain I Praise You Ps 104:2

913 He who counts the number of the stars and calls them all by name I Praise You Ps 147:4

914 He who seals off the stars I Praise You Job 9:7

915 The Lord who knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations I Praise You 2 Pet 2:9

916 He who knows to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgement I Praise You 2 Pet 2:9

917 God who is greater than our heart, and knows all things I Praise You 1 Jn 3:20

918 Lord, You are greater than Jonah I Praise You Matt 12:41

919 You are greater than Solomon I Praise You Matt 12:42

920 You are greater than all I Praise You Jn 10:29

921 You are greater than the temple I Praise You Matt 12:6

922 The Lord is great in Zion I Praise You Ps 99:2

923 He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world I Praise You 1 Jn 4:4

924 Your understanding is infinite I Praise You Ps 147:5

925 Great is Your goodness I Praise You Zech 9:17

926 Great is Your beauty I Praise You Zech 9:17

927 Great is Your faithfulness I Praise You Lam 3:23

928 Your mercies are very great I Praise You 1 Chr 21:13

929 Great is the glory of my Lord So, I Praise You Ps 138:5

930 Your mercy toward me is great So, I Praise You Ps 86:13

931 Lord, You command Your loving kindness in the day time So, I Praise You Ps 42:8

932 Your loving kindness is better than life I Praise You Ps 63:3

933 The Lord who gives grace and glory I Praise You Ps 84:11

934 How precious is Your loving kindness O!, God I Praise You Ps 36:7

935 Your mercy endures for ever I Praise You Ps 106:1

936 It is Your mercies that we are not consumed So, I Praise You Lam 3:22

937 Your mercies are new every morning I Praise You Lam 3:23

938 The Lord who crowns me with loving kindness and tender mercies I Praise You Ps 103:4

939 For Your compassions that fail not I Praise You Lam 3:22

940 For all Your benefits I Praise You Ps 103:2

941 Lord, You are clothed with honour and majesty So, I Praise You Ps 104:1

942 You are girded with strength I Praise You Ps 93:1

943 You cover Yourself with light as with a garments I Praise You Ps 104:2

944 He who put on righteousness as a breast plate I Praise You Isa 59:17

945 He who put on a helmet of salvation on His head I Praise You Isa 59:17

946 He who put on the garments of vengeance for clothing I Praise You Isa 59:17

947 He who is glad with zeal as a cloak I Praise You Isa 59:17

948 He who has the sharp two-edged sword I Praise You Rev 2:12

949 He who makes His angels, Spirits I Praise You Ps 104:4

950 Lord, You satisfy the longing soul I Praise You Ps 107:9

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