A Thousand Praise Offerings [551-600]

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551 Mighty in battle I Praise You Ps 24:8

552 Mighty in strength I Praise You Job 9:4

553 The one who crushed satan’s head I Praise You Gen 3:15

554 Christ the victor I Praise You Jn 16:33

555 The Lord who has triumphed gloriously I Praise You Ex 15:1

556 God who always lead us on triumph in Christ I Praise You 2Cor 2:14

Sing Praises To The Lord With The Words Of David And Asaph

557 The great King above all gods I Praise You Ps 95:3

558 Lord, You are greater than all gods I Praise You Ex 18:11

559 Lord, You are exalted far above all gods I Praise You Ps 97:9

560 You are to be feared above all gods I Praise You Ps 96:4

561 Lord, You are above all gods I Praise You Ps 135:5

562 You are greatly to be praised I Praise You Ps 145:3

563 The Lord who bestows His riches upon all I Praise You Rom 10:12

564 He who gives us power to get wealth I Praise You Deut 8:18

565 Both riches and honour come of You I Praise You 1 Chr 29:12

566 You don’t despise Your own that are in bonds I Praise You Ps 69:33

567 He who hears the groaning of the prisoners I Praise You Ps 102:20

568 He who brings out those who are bound to be prosperity I Praise You Ps 68:6

569 He who sets free those appointed to death I Praise You Ps 102:20

570 The Lord who upholds all those who fall I Praise You Ps 145:14

571 The Lord who raises up all those who are bowed down I Praise You Ps 145:14

572 He who heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds I Praise You Ps 147:3

573 He who raises the poor out of the dust I Praise You Ps 113:7

574 Lord You are a refuge for the oppressed I Praise You Ps 9:9

575 Lord You have heard the desire of the humble I Praise You Ps 10:17

576 He who hears the cry of the afflicted I Praise You Job 34:28

577 Lord who maintains the cause of the afflicted I Praise You Ps 140:12

578 Lord who delivers the poor from him that is too strong for him I Praise You Ps 35:10

579 Lord who delivers the poor and the needy from him who spoils him I Praise You Ps 35:10

580 Lord, You bless the one who considers the poor, delivers him in the time of trouble, preserve him, keep him alive, will not deliver him to the will of enemies and strengthen him and sustain him on his sick bed So, I Praise You Ps 41:1-3

581 Lord You will save the humble people and You will bring down haughty looks I Praise You Ps 18:27

582 The Lord executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed So, I Praise You Ps 103:6

583 There is none like You O Lord to help both the mighty and the weak I Praise You 2Cor 14:11

584 Lord You will place the poor in the safety for which longs I Praise You Ps 12:5

585 You do not regard the rich more than the poor So, I Praise You Job 34:19

586 You have been a strength to poor I Praise You Isa 25:4

587 You have been a strength to the needy in his distress I Praise You Isa 25:4

588 A refuge from the storm I Praise You Isa 25:4

589 A shade from the heat I Praise You Isa 25:4

590 Lord, You set the poor on high far from affliction So, I Praise You Ps 107:41

591 Lord You have delivered the life of the needy from the hand of the evil doers I Praise You Jer 20:13

592 Lord You make the families of the poor like a flock I Praise You Ps 107:41

593 Lord, You stand at the right hand of the poor to save him from those who condemn him So, I Praise You Ps 109:31

594 Lord, who lifts the needy out of the (dust) ash heap I Praise You Ps 113:7

595 Lord, You make the poor to sit with the princess of his people I Praise You Ps 113:8

596 Lord, You maintain the justice for the poor I Praise You Ps 140:12

597 Father of the fatherless I Praise You Ps 68:5

598 Defender of widows I Praise You Ps 68:5

599 Helper of the fatherless I Praise You Ps 10:14

600 Lord, You will regard the prayer of the destitute and will not despise their supplication I Praise You Ps 102:17

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