A Thousand Praise Offerings [951-1000]

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951 You fill the hungry soul with goodness I Praise You Ps 107:9

952 He who sends His word and heals I Praise You Ps 107:20

953 For Your word which gives me comfort in my afflictions I Praise You Ps 119:50

954 For the wondrous things from Your Law I Praise You Ps 119:18

955 Lord, You have caused me to hope upon Your Word So, I Praise You Ps 119:49

956 For Your Word which gives me life I Praise You Ps 119:50

957 You have dealt well (are dealing well, will deal well) with Your servants I Praise You Ps 119:65

958 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path So, I Praise You Ps 119:105

959 Your words give light and understanding to the simple I Praise You Ps 119:130

960 For Your words which is very pure and tried I Praise You Ps 119:140

961 Your word was to me joy and rejoicing of my heart I Praise You Jer 15:16

962 Your words do good to him who walks uprightly I Praise You Mic 2:7

963 Your words are faithful and worthy of all acceptance I Praise You 1Tim 4:9

964 O God, Your word is living and powerful So, I Praise You Heb 4:12

965 Your word is like a fire and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces I Praise You Jer 23:29

966 He who makes His words fire I Praise You Jer 5:14

967 The word of the Lord is right, and all His work is done in truth So, I Praise You Ps 33:4

968 Your commandment is exceedingly broad So, I Praise You Ps 119:96

969 Creator of the heaven and earth I Praise You

970 Lord, in righteousness You will answer us So, I Praise You Ps 65:5

971 Lord, Your anger is but for a moment, but Your favour is for a life time So, I Praise You Ps 30:5

972 Lord, You will not keep Your anger for ever I Praise You Ps 103:9

973 There is forgiveness with You So, I Praise You Ps 130:4

974 With You is abundant redemption I Praise You Ps 130:7

975 For the help of Your countenance I Praise You Ps 42:5

How Manifold Are Your Works!

976 The Lord who made the heavens I Praise You Ps 96:5

977 He who made the worlds I Praise You Heb 1:2

978 He who made the sea into dry land I Praise You Ex 14:21

979 You broke open the fountain and the flood I Praise You Ps 74:15

980 You dried up mighty rivers I Praise You Ps 74:15

981 In the day time, You let Your people with the cloud and all the night with a light of fire I Praise You Ps 78:14

982 He who split the rocks in the wilderness and gave them drink I Praise You Ps 78:15

983 The waters of Marah were made sweet by You O! Lord I Praise You Ex 15:25

984 He who sent the bread of the angels as food in abundance I Praise You Ps 78:25

985 He who broke the wall of Jericho I Praise You Josh 6:20

986 He who opened the mouth of the donkey to speak I Praise You Num 22:28

987 You made the Sun stand still over Gibeon and Moon in the valley of Aijalon I Praise You Josh 10:12

988 He who makes the morning darkness I Praise You Amos 4:13

989 He who turns the rivers into a wilderness I Praise You Ps 107:33

990 He who turns the water into dry ground I Praise You Ps 107:33

991 You turn the wilderness into pools of water I Praise You Ps 107:35

992 Lord, You turn the rock into a pool of water I Praise You Ps 114:8

993 You turn the dry land into water springs I Praise You Ps 107:35

994 He who brings the time of birth and he who causes delivery I Praise You Isa 66:9

995 The Lord who rebuilt the ruined places I Praise You Eze 36:36

996 Lord, You will seek what was lost I Praise You Eze 34:16

997 You bring back what was driven away I Praise You Eze 34:16

998 You will bind up the broken I Praise You Eze 34:16

999 You are a hiding place from the wind and a cover from the tempest I Praise You Isa 32:2

1000 You will make darkness light before them and crooked place straight I Praise You Isa 42:16


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