A Thousand Praise Offerings [601-650]

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601 He who upholds the widows and the fatherless I Praise You Ps 146:9

602 The Lord watches over the strangers So, I Praise You Ps 146:9

603 He who loves the stranger giving him food and clothing I Praise You Deut 10:18

604 God who gives the desolate, a home to dwell I Praise You Ps 68:6

605 God You provide from Your goodness for the poor So, I Praise You Ps 68:10

606 The Lord who has compassion on His servant I Praise You Ps 135:14

607 The Lord who delights in the welfare of His servant I Praise You Ps 35:27

608 Lord who confirms the words of His servant I Praise You Isa 44:26

609 Lord who performs the counsel of His messengers I Praise You Isa 44:26

610 Lord who redeems of the soul of His servant I Praise You Ps 34:22

611 Lord who will avenge the blood of His servant I Praise You Deut 32:43

612 The Lord who makes His face shine upon His servant I Praise You Ps 31:16

613 The steps of a good man are ordered by You O Lord I Praise You Ps 37:23

614 Though he (good man) falls, he shall not be utterly cast down, for Lord, You uphold him with Your right hand So, I Praise You Ps 37:24

615 God who saves the upright in heart I Praise You Ps 7:10

616 The Lord who weighs the heart I Praise You Pro 21:2

617 God who tests the heart and mind I Praise You Ps 7:9

618 God who tests the righteous I Praise You Ps 11:5

619 God who is with the generations of the righteous I Praise You Ps 14:5

620 The Lord hears and delivers the righteous out of all their troubles So, I Praise You Ps 34:17

621 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but Lord You deliver him out of them all So, I Praise You Ps 34:19

622 The Lord guards all the bones of the righteous, not one of them will be broken So, I Praise You Ps 34:20

623 The righteous will not be forsaken nor his descendants (seed) will beg for bread So, I Praise You Ps 37:25

624 Lord, with favour, You will surround the righteous as with a shield I Praise You Ps 5:12

625 The Lord who upholds the righteous I Praise You Ps 37:17

626 The Lord shall help the righteous and deliver them So, I Praise You Ps 37:40

627 You shall never permit the righteous to be moved I Praise You Ps 55:22

628 The Lord who makes the righteous to flourish like the palm tree and help him grow like a ceder in Lebanon I Praise You Ps 92:12

629 The Lord who loves the righteous I Praise You Ps 146:8

630 The righteous shall be fresh and flourishing and still bear fruit in old age So, I Praise You Ps 92:14

631 Lord You are with the good (upright) So, I Praise You 2 Chr 19:11

632 The Lord who knows the days of the upright I Praise You Ps 37:18

633 For those walk upright, the Lord does good thing So, I Praise You Ps 84:11

634 The Lord who lifts the humble I Praise You Ps 147:6

635 The one who beautifies the humble with salvation I Praise You Ps 149:4

636 To the humble, Lord You teach Your way So, I Praise You Ps 25:9

637 He who teaches sinners in the way I Praise You Ps 25:8

638 To them who fear O Lord You will show Your covenant So, I Praise You Ps 25:14

639 The faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations I Praise You Deut 7:9

640 Lord You will never forsake Your saints So, I Praise You Ps 37:28

641 He who preserves the way of His saints I Praise You Pro 2:8

642 He who guards the feet of His saints I Praise You 1 Sam 2:9

643 God who is greatly to be feared in the assembly of saints I Praise You Ps 89:7

644 He who is held in reverence by all those around Him I Praise You Ps 89:7

645 The Lord who is praised by Cherubims and Seraphims I Praise You Isa 6:2

646 The one who lifts up my hand I Praise You Ps 3:3

647 My horn, You have exalted (will exalt) like a unicorn I Praise You Ps 92:10

648 He who sets me on high places I Praise You Ps 18:33

649 The Lord who sustains me I Praise You Ps 3:5

650 O Lord, You alone make me dwell in safety So, I Praise You Ps 4:8

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