Are You Feeling Alone? 10 Comforting Bible Promises to Encourage You Today

Feeling alone or lonely is a complicated emotion, and the circumstances or incidents that trigger loneliness are equally varied and puzzling. Sometimes, the emotion of feeling alone may be caused by no reason at all. When we are feeling alone, we experience sadness, anxiety, anger, and regret. We may be sitting in a coffee shop, or be present at an office party, or standing in a crowded subway, or walking in a busy shopping mall, still, we can feel lonely.

Are We Feeling Alone and Lonely? Jesus is the Source of Comfort and Hope

We all have struggled with loneliness at some point of time in our lives. Whenever we are faced with difficulties that seem insurmountable or a life-changing event that our family and friends do not understand and give us the support we need, we feel alone and abandoned. Only the Word of God provides us strength and hope. We must trust in Jesus, who is closer than a brother and has promised to be always with us. Jesus Christ is our friend and comforter, who will heal our broken hearts and bind up the deeply embedded wounds left by the disappointments in our lives.

meaning of loneliness, feeling alone, feeling lonely

How Loneliness (Feeling Alone) Can be Turned into a Positive Experience

The state of feeling alone can be turned into a positive experience, if it is a time for reflection, contemplation, and assessment. Feeling alone occurs when people experience feelings of isolation and emotional distress when they are not part of a group. When people are in groups they can share their dreams, successes, and frustrations. Being in a group helps us to connect with others, which is important to both our mental and physical well-being. Chronic loneliness (feeling alone) often leads to depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and despair.

Strategies to Overcome Feeling Alone

One of the major causes of feeling alone is negative self-perception, which is the result of social conditioning, causing people to believe themselves as inferior. By following the strategies given below, we can move towards social reintegration and self-help.

  1. Understand that we are not alone – Many people in this world experience loneliness and have successfully turned the situation around by reconnecting themselves with society.
  2. Initiate the first step – We do not have wait for others to approach us; we can always start a conversation by saying “Hey, how are you doing?”
  3. Become interested in others – We will have to overcome our inhibitions and start showing interest in others and the activities happening around us. Remember, we need to listen first in order to be heard.
  4. Increase our confidence – We have to be courageous in building relationships we deserve. We should not shy away from people just because we are afraid to answer their questions. We need to understand that building positive relationships is a fruitful and rewarding experience.

Bible Verses About Feeling Alone

The Bible says a lot about feeling alone, and the scriptures given below will help us deal with this universal human emotion, which is both complex and unique to each one of us. Whenever we feel empty, alone, and unwanted, we can read these life-giving verses that will encourage, strengthen, and comfort us.

feeling lonely, fear of being alone, feeling alone

Our collection of Bible Verses by Topic will encourage you to read the Word of God daily, will target the very issue you are dealing with at the moment, and motivate you to find your strength in Jesus Christ.

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  1. Figiel 18th August 2021

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