The Sacrifice of Praise – Miracles of Jesus Christ

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, performed many miracles when He walked on earth. His power over diseases, nature, death, and evil spirits astonished people. His miracles revealed that He was the Son of the Living God. Let us praise the Almighty Creator and His beloved Son for the mighty miracles performed because of their love for mankind.

For the Miracles of Our Savior Jesus Christ I/We Praise You

1 Lord, You Changed Water into Wine I Praise You John 2:9

2 Lord, You made the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak I Praise You John 9:7, Mark 7:31-37, Matthew 9:33

3 Lord, You healed a man with a withered hand, made the lame to walk, and the crippled straight I Praise You Matthew 12:9-14, John 5:1-9, Luke 13:10-17

4 Lord, You delivered the demon possessed I Praise You Matthew 15:28

5 Lord, You cleansed the lepers I Praise You Luke 17:11-19

6 Lord, You raised Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter, and the widow’s son of Nain from death unto life I Praise You John 11:44, Mark 5:42, Luke 7:15

7 Lord, You stilled the sea and the wind I Praise You Matthew 8: 26

8 Lord, You walked on the sea I Praise You Matthew 14:25

9 Lord, when the fishermen cast the net into the deep sea, according to Your Word, they caught a great number of fishes and another time when they cast their net on the right side of the boat 153 big fishes were caught I Praise You Luke 5:6, John 21:11

10 The money for the tax was got from the mouth of a fish I Praise You Matthew 17:27

11 Lord, You healed the woman with the issue of blood, healed Peter’s mother-in-law, and a paralytic man who had this infirmity for 38 years I Praise You Matthew 9:22, Matthew 8:15, John 5:9

12 Lord, You fed the multitude of more than 5,000 with five loaves and two fishes and the remaining food was gathered into 12 baskets I Praise You Matthew 14:20

13 Lord, You fed more than 4,000 people with seven loaves and a few little fishes I Praise You Matthew 15:38

14 Lord Jesus, You healed a boy with an unclean spirit and a man who had dropsy I Praise You Matthew 17:14-20, Luke 14:1-4

15 The fig tree withered away by your curse, O Lord I Praise You Matthew 21:19

16 Lord, You disappeared from the midst of those who wanted to kill You I Praise You Luke 4:30

17 Lord, You made the soldiers who came to catch You fall back to the ground I Praise You John 18: 6

18 Lord, You healed the right ear of Malchus, which was cut off I Praise You Luke 22:51

19 Lord, You cleanse the sinful heart of man with Your holy blood and make him a new creation. For this great miracle, I Praise You 2 Corinthians 5:17

20 Lord, You rose from the dead I Praise You Luke 24:6

21 Lord, You vanished from the sight of the disciples, who were sitting with You at the table I Praise You Luke 24:31

22 Lord, You appeared unto Your disciples even when the doors of the room were shut I Praise You John 20:19

Our selection of praise offerings tells our Almighty God that we are thinking about Him and how much we appreciate what He does for us in our day-to-day lives. Praise offerings lift us above our every darkness to the brightness and comfort of God’s presence.


  1. Adeyemi Segun 10th June 2021
    • Bibilium Good 10th June 2021

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