1 Funny Life Lesson — The Merchant, the Boy, and the Donkey

It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you, but if you trust the Lord, you are safe. Proverbs 29:25

A life lesson is a powerful piece of knowledge, perception, or self-awareness that you need to adopt to improve yourself, your relationships, and your life in general.

A Funny Life Lesson on People Pleasing

A merchant along with his son was going to the market on a donkey to sell his wares. On their way, a man passed by them and said, “How can they be so cruel to make the donkey carry both of them.” The merchant heard this and immediately alighted from the donkey, letting his son ride on it. Soon, he came across a group of men, who commented, “See how lazy is that boy, he is letting his father walk while he is riding.” The merchant immediately asked the boy to get off the donkey, and he got on.

They would have walked no further when he saw two women saying to each other that the merchant should feel ashamed to let the boy walk in the hot sun. The merchant got confused and asked the boy to get on the donkey while they went through the town.

Later, passers-by scolded them saying that they were abusing the donkey by riding on it. Frustrated, both the merchant and his boy got off the donkey, cut down a pole, tied the donkey’s feet to the pole and carried it on their shoulders. Seeing this, people started laughing.

Life Lesson on People Pleasing

While crossing a bridge, the donkey got one of his feet loose, kicked out, forcing the boy to drop his end of the pole. In the commotion, the donkey fell over the bridge and drowned as they tied together with its forefeet. A wise man, who was watching all this said, “Try to please everybody, and you will please nobody.”

This life lesson teaches us that even if we encounter criticisms that are unfair and spiteful, we should ignore it and do things the way we deem to be correct.

Some people take an issue and blow it out of proportion and also make personal comments. If we do not have any confusion, then these criticisms will dissipate from our minds and we will do the needful accordingly. That is a life lesson you need to always remember.

Check our wide collection of Moral Stories that will inspire you and your children to do great things for the good of others. These stories for kids are motivating stories that will teach valuable lessons.

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  1. Janina 17th March 2021

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