A Thousand Praise Offerings [751-800]

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751 You have turned for me my mourning into dancing I Praise You Ps 30:11

752 You have put off my sack cloth and clothed me with gladness I Praise You Ps 30:11

753 Lord, You drew us (me) with gentle cords with bands of love I Praise You Hos 11:4

754 I am poor and needy, yet my Lord thinks upon me So, I Praise You Ps 40:17

755 God who receives me I Praise You Ps 49:15

756 God who sustains me I Praise You Ps 55:22

757 God who had fed me all my lifelong to this day I Praise You Gen 48:15

758 I know God, You are for me So, I Praise You Ps 56:9

759 You are with me as a mighty awesome one So, I Praise You Jer 20:11

760 Lord, You came down for me against the mighty I Praise You Judg 5:13

761 Lord, You have delivered me from all fears I Praise You Ps 34:4

762 You shall give me the desires of my heart I Praise You Ps 37:4

763 Your left hand is under me head and Your right hand embraces me So, I Praise You Song 2:6

764 Your right hand is full of righteousness I Praise You Ps 48:10

765 He who justifies me I Praise You Isa 50:8

766 Lord, You shall bring forth my righteousness as the light and my justice as the noon day I Praise You Ps 37:6

767 You, O God have heard my vows I Praise You Ps 61:5

768 God who has not turned away my prayer and Your mercy from me I Praise You Ps 66:20

769 Merciful God, You shall come to meet me I Praise You Ps 59:10

770 You have formed my inward parts and covered me in my mother’s womb I Praise You Ps 139:13

771 I am fearfully and wonderfully made I Praise You Ps 139:14

772 My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret So, I Praise You Ps 139:15

773 Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed I Praise You Ps 139:16

774 By You my Lord, O have been upheld from my birth So, I Praise You Ps 71:6

775 You are the one who took me out of my mother’s womb So, I Praise You Ps 71:6

776 He who separated me from my mother’s womb I Praise You Gal 1:15

777 O’ Lord, You have taught me from my Youth I Praise You Ps 71:17

778 You are the Lord my God, who teaches me to profit I Praise You Isa 48:17

779 He who leads me by the way I should go I Praise You Isa 48:17

780 You are my hope and trust from my youth I Praise You Ps 71:5

781 You have numbered my wanderings I Praise You Ps 56:8

782 You shall increase my greatness and comfort me on every side I Praise You Ps 71:21

783 He who awakens me morning by morning and awakens my ear to hear as the learned I Praise You Isa 50:4

784 He who makes me differ from another I Praise You 1 Cor 4:7

785 You will guide me with Your counsel and afterward receive me to glory I Praise You Ps 73:24

786 You will not allow my foot to be moved So, I Praise You Ps 121:3

787 He who keeps me will not slumber I Praise You Ps 121:3

788 The sun shall not strike me by day nor the moon by the night So, I Praise You Ps 121:6

789 The Lord shall preserve me from all evil I Praise You Ps 121:7

790 The Lord shall preserve my soul I Praise You Ps 121:7

791 The Lord shall preserve my going out and coming in from this forth and even for evermore So, I Praise You Ps 121:8

792 Lord, You have acquainted with all my ways I Praise You Ps 139:3

793 Lord, who goes before me I Praise You Deut 9:3

794 He who rides the heavens to help and in His Excellency on the sky I Praise You Deut 33:26

795 O Lord, You have searched me and known me I Praise You Ps 139:1

796 You know my sitting down and rising up I Praise You Ps 139:2

797 You understand my thought a far off I Praise You Ps 139:2

798 Even before a word is on my tongue, O Lord You know it altogether I Praise You Ps 139:4

799 The Lord has given me the tongue of the learned So, I Praise You Isa 50:4

800 You comprehend my path and my lying down I Praise You Ps 139:3

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