Amazing Moral Stories for Kids — The Idiot and the Lion Story

The Idiot and the Lion is one of those Moral Stories for Kids that shows the importance of God’s grace and why should we practice discretion and common sense in our daily lives.

There was once a foolish man who inherited a massive fortune from his father. However, being naive, he lost all of his wealth and became poor. One day, he went to meet some of his friends and began to talk about his pathetic and miserable condition. His friends began to console him when one of them told him that he had offended the grace that he had received and he should search for the grace he had lost so that he could get his life back on track and become a blessed man again.

The man immediately set out and traveled extensively in search of the grace he had lost. He came upon a lovely plain with grass and few trees and a beautiful lake in the background. He decided to sleep in the meadow for the night. He fell asleep and saw in his dream that he had fallen on the top of a mountain and with clenched fists was beating upon his chest soundly, refusing to look up to heaven.

Encounter with the Lion

The next morning, he got up and continued his journey toward the mountain he had seen in his dream. On his way, he saw a lion sitting on a rock and looking around. The man was terrified at the sight of the majestic lion. But the lion told him not to be afraid and said that he has been in terrible pain for the last two years and was looking for a cure.

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On hearing this, the man told the lion that he is going in search of his lost grace. The lion said to him if he finds grace, he should ask for the cure of the disease and if he gets the right remedy he will surely reward him. The man replied that he will surely ask grace the cure for the lion’s ailment. He left the place and continued his travel.

Meeting the Gardener

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He came to a beautiful orchard full of various kinds of fruit trees. He started to pick the fruits and eat them. But, they were all bitter. The gardener approached him and inquired where he was going. The man told him that he was going in search of his grace. The gardener told him that he could not find a cure for the bitterness of the fruits though he had taken many measures such as cutting down the old trees and planting new ones and also grafting the plants.

The gardener told the man that if he finds grace, he should ask for the remedy for the bitterness of the fruits and if the man gets it the gardener will reward him with a regular supply of fruits every week. The man replied that he will surely ask grace the cure for the bitterness of the fruits in the orchard. He left the garden and continued his travel.

Conversing with the Maiden in the Palace

Moral Stories for Kids, Moral Stories

Soon he came across a beautiful palace situated amid a garden that looked like paradise. He saw a pretty maiden who asked him why he had come to her palace. The man narrated his story and told about the people he met on his travel.

She intently listened to his story and said that she is the owner of the palace and is very wealthy. However, there is grief in her heart that grows every day, and she could not sleep peacefully at night. She asked him to find a cure for her unhappiness from the grace he is supposed to meet. She told him that if he finds the cure, she will reward him greatly. The man promised and went on his way until he reached the mountain.

The Priest in the Church

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He was overjoyed at seeing the mountain and found a lovely church at the top. He went in there and started praying, pouring out all his grievances and lamenting about his unfortunate condition. An old priest came near him and asked him where he is coming from and what is he doing in such a remote place. The man told his entire story to the priest.

The priest said that he has come to the right place. He told him that the grace he came in search of is the grace of God, which he will obtain when he accepts Jesus as his Savior, who will deliver from all his troubles and give him peace and happiness. Also, he should not go back to his sinful ways and ask God for wisdom to guide him in all his paths.

The man accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and confessed his sins. He also pleaded with God to give him knowledge and understanding. The man also told the priest about the issues faced by the lion, the gardener, and the unhappy maiden. The priest gave the solutions for the problems faced by them.

The Lion, the Gardener, and the Maiden

The man came down from the mountain and first met the maiden. He told her that the grief from her heart will disappear if she shares her wealth with the unfortunate, downtrodden, deprived, and needy people in the society. The maiden gave him a purse of gold coins.

Then he went on to meet the gardener and told him that there was gold ore in the spring from which the water flows to his orchard. The trees suck up the gold particles, and this makes the fruits bitter. The gardener has to either irrigate his orchard from some other water source or create a filtering system to take away the ore. Then the fruits will taste sweet. The gardener promised him that he will send a bag full of fruits every week to his home.

Finally, he met the lion and told him that the cure for his disease lies in the lake that the lion has been watching sitting on the rock for the past two years. The lake has medicinal properties that will make him better. The lion told the man that there was a treasure buried in the deep forest that nobody knows of, and the man can take it and use it for his good and the good of others.


The man traveled to his home town with all his rewards and started a business that flourished. He soon became a rich man and helped the impoverished and marginalized people and earned the respect of society as a trustworthy and compassionate person.

Moral Stories for Kids

Check our wide collection of Moral Stories that will inspire you and your children to do great things for the good of others. These stories for kids are motivating stories that will teach valuable lessons.

Moral stories for kids will keep your children entertained and educated. Moral stories for kids will instill a love of people of all colors and backgrounds. Moral stories for kids will provide children virtuous thoughts. Moral stories for kids will keep children away from bad habits and bad company. Moral stories for kids will help them to walk the path of righteousness. Moral stories for kids will show that God loves children and will stand by them in any situation. Moral Stories for kids will teach children about the salvation of Jesus. Finally, moral stories for kids will give them the hope of eternal life.


  1. shannon 14th February 2021
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