The Lion and the Mouse Super Story

The lion and the mouse is a fabulous tale from Aesop that teaches us mercy brings its reward and kind deeds always unite people.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Let us now delve into the lion and the mouse story

Once upon a time, there lived a brave and courageous lion in Africa. One day, the jungle king was taking a nap in his den with his head resting on his massive paws. A tiny little mouse was playing in the huge and dark cave. He could hear the lion snoring and unexpectedly tripped into the big cat’s nose. The king of the forest woke up from his nap due to the actions of the unexpected guest. Seeing the rodent, he got very angry and laid his huge paw on the animal. He roared, “How dare you scamper up and down on me, you little rascal. You woke me up from my sleep. I will surely kill you today.”

lion and the mouse story, lion and the mouse moral, the lion and the mouse

Being pinned down, the mouse pleaded with the lion to spare her. She said, “Please Lord, do not kill me. If you let me go today, I will surely help you someday and repay your kindness.” The lion was quite amused by the mouse’s plea. He said, “How can you help me, you tiny creature?” The rodent replied,” I will be of some help to you in the future. But, please have mercy on me.” Looking at the tiny mouse, the lion was filled with compassion and generosity and asked the mouse to leave the den. The mouse ran as fast as she can and went to her burrow.

On a beautiful sunny morning, the lion was hungry and went hunting. While he was stalking for prey, he stumbled and fell into a large net, which was laid by a hunter to catch deer. The lion struggled to get out of the net and tried to bite through it, but it was of no use. His feet were caught and he could not get up. He roared again and again, hoping that one of his pride members will hear his roar and come to help him. But, no one came to save him. He decided to roar one last time.

The mouse heard the roar and came in search of him. She found him in a pitiable state trapped in the hunter’s net. The little creature told the king of the beasts, “Lord do not worry. I will rescue you using my sharp little teeth. I will
gnaw and make a big opening in the net. You can come out easily. You spared my life once, today I will save yours.”

lion and the mouse moral, lion and the mouse story, the lion and the mouse

The mouse began gnawing at the net until she made a big hole in it. The lion was able to free himself and thanked the mouse for his gracious act. The mouse immediately reminded the lion that she repaid him for having mercy upon her and releasing her some time back. The lion and the mouse remained best friends for life.

Moral of the Lion and the Mouse Story

The moral of the lion and the mouse story is that a kind act will never be forgotten. We should also understand that though the wild cat was a mighty creature he needed the help of the little mouse to break out of the net. Life is full of surprises. The lion and the mouse story teaches us that the people we choose to ignore, disrespect, and sometimes even insult because of their background or physical size, or financial status will one day be able to get us out of a tight spot.

The lion and the mouse story enlightens us that each one of us is unique in our own way, and we need one other to survive and thrive on this beautiful planet. The lion and the mouse story also shows us that what you cannot accomplish by force can be achieved by kindness. The lion and the mouse story illuminates the noble action of the tiny mouse as she helped someone, with all her might, who was ‌in deep trouble.

Check our wide collection of Moral Stories that will inspire you and your children to do great things for the good of others. These stories for kids are motivating stories that will teach valuable lessons.


  1. Baron 7th April 2021
    • bibiliumlearn 12th September 2021

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