Parable of the Lost Coin

The Parable of the Lost Coin is one of the Jesus parables found in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 15, which teaches us how much our merciful and forgiving God loves and values us. Sometimes we run away from His presence willingly and choose to go back to our worldly ways. Many times we simply ignore God by being too busy to pray and study the word of word.

The Parable of the Lost Coin shows that our God wants to be in a relationship with us and that is the reason He sent His only begotten Son to die for our sins. When we are lost like this, God feels sad and wants to restore His relationship with us. We can still repent and get back on God’s way. Remember, we are not insignificant to Him and He wants us to be a part of His heavenly kingdom.

Parable of the Lost Coin Message

Parable of the Lost Coin

The Parable of the Lost Coin shows us that God searches out and cherishes all people even those who are poor or disadvantaged who are often the forgotten ones in the world.

The Parable of the Lost Coin shows that those who are disabled, in prison, sick, and suffer prejudice and pain are very precious to God and He cares for them. God’s desire to reclaim lost human beings shows that He puts a high value on relationships.

The Parable of the Lost Coin teaches us that we require repentance—changing and turning around our lives—to obedience and worship of God in spirit and truth, trusting in His promises of life to come. Our loving savior will unrelentingly search for us until He finds us.

The Parable of the Lost Coin shows that when we are found by God, we gain new insight into the meaning of God’s love. We find new peace and joy in our hearts and we can become more compassionate toward others.

Read our awe-inspiring collection of Parables of Jesus Christ with lessons that can be applied to our daily lives.


  1. Ostiguy 22nd September 2021
    • bibiliumlearn 23rd September 2021
  2. Tarver 23rd September 2021
  3. Manju Linda 2nd December 2021
    • bibiliumlearn 3rd December 2021

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