A Thousand Praise Offerings [451-500]

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451 He who walks in the midst if the seven golden lamp stands I Praise You Rev 2:1

452 He who holds the seven stars in His right hand I Praise You Rev 2:1

453 With the merciful, You will show Yourself merciful So, I Praise You Ps 18:25

454 With the blameless man, You will show Yourself blameless So, I Praise You Ps 18:25

455 With the pure, You will show Yourself pure I Praise You Ps 18:26

456 With the devious, You will Yourself shrewd I Praise You Ps 18:26

457 Our Lord and Teacher I Praise You Jn 13:14

458 Teacher from God I Praise You Jn 3:2

459 Chief Apostle I Praise You Heb 3:1

460 Chief Prophet I Praise You Jn 4:19

461 Great Physician I Praise You

462 Great High Priest I Praise You Heb 4:14

463 High Priest forever I Praise You Heb 6:20

464 A merciful and faithful High Priest I Praise You Heb 2:17

465 High Priest without sin I Praise You Heb 4:15

466 A High Priest who can sympathize with our weakness I Praise You Heb 4:15

467 High Priest of the good things to come I Praise You Heb 9:11

468 He who has unchangeable priesthood I Praise You Heb 7:24

469 You are a Priest for ever according to the order of Melchizedek I Praise You Heb 7:17

470 Creator of Israel I Praise You Isa 43:15

471 Shepherd of Israel I Praise You Ps 80:1

472 Ruler of Israel I Praise You Matt 2:6

473 The strength of Israel I Praise You 1 Sam 15:29

474 Hope of Israel I Praise You Jer 14:8

475 Rock of Israel I Praise You 2 Sam 23:3

476 The consolation of Israel I Praise You Lk 2:25

477 The light of Israel I Praise You Isa 10:17

478 The dew unto Israel I Praise You Hos 14:5

479 The glory of your people Israel I Praise You Lk 2:32

480 The Lord who sanctifies Israel I Praise You Eze 37:28

481 Judge of Israel I Praise You Mic 5:1

482 The Mighty one of Israel I Praise You Isa 1:24

483 God the fear of Isaac I Praise You Gen 31:42

484 The Mighty one of Jacob I Praise You Isa 60:16

485 The portion of Jacob I Praise You Jer 10:16

486 He who loved Jacob I Praise You Rom 9:13

487 He who had accepted Job I Praise You Job 42:9

488 The Lord who restored Job’s losses I Praise You Job 42:10

489 The Lord who gave Job twice as much as he had before I Praise You Job 42:10

490 The Lord who blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning I Praise You Job 42:12

491 You are wonderful in counsel and You are excellent in guidance So, I Praise You Isa 28:29

492 You are great in counsel and mighty in work I Praise You Jer 32:19

493 The hills from where my help comes I Praise You Ps 121:1

494 The one who makes crooked places straight I Praise You Isa 42:16

495 The only begotten of the Father I Praise You Jn 1:14

496 The Angel of God I Praise You Ex 14:19

497 The Messenger of covenant I Praise You Mal 3:1

498 Servant chosen by the Lord I Praise You Matt12:18

499 Commander of the army of the Lord I Praise You Josh 5:14

500 Our Captain I Praise You Heb 2:10

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