401 Christ the righteous advocate I Praise You 1Jn 2:1
402 Christ who strengthens me I Praise You Phil 4:13
403 Jesus of Nazareth I Praise You Mk 1:24
404 Christ our intercessor (advocate) I Praise You 1 Jn 2:1
405 Wonderful God I Praise You Isa 9:6
406 He who alone does great wonders I Praise You Ps 136:4
407 He who calls us “My Friends” I Praise You Lk 12:4
408 Friend of sinners I Praise You Lk 7:34
409 He who separate from sinners I Praise You Heb 7:26
410 He who justifies the ungodly I Praise You Rom 4:5
411 The opened fountain I Praise You Zech 13:1
412 For the blood without blemish I Praise You 1Pet 1:19
413 For Your spotless blood I Praise You 1Pet 1:19
414 For the precious blood of Lord Jesus Christ I Praise You 1Pet 1:19
415 For the blood of sprinkling I Praise You Heb 12:24
416 For Your blood speaks better things I Praise You Heb 12:24
417 For the blood of new covenant I Praise You 1Cor 11:25
418 For the blood of the everlasting covenant I Praise You I Praise You Heb 13:20
419 Gift of God I Praise You Jn 4:10
420 Christ our Passover I Praise You 1Cor 5:7
421 The propitiation of our sins I Praise You 1Jn 2:2
422 You offered Yourself without spot So, I Praise You Heb 9:14
423 You have become a surety of better covenant I Praise You Heb 7:22
424 Messiah I Praise You Jn 1:41
425 Forerunner I Praise You Heb 6:20
426 Our Guide I Praise You Ps 48:14
427 Rabbi, Rabboni (Jn 20:16) I Praise You Jn 1:49
428 The stem of Jesse I Praise You Isa 11:1
429 The root of David I Praise You Rev 5:5
430 The Branch I Praise You Zech 6:12
431 He who is called David the King I Praise You Jer 30:9
432 He who is called David the servant I Praise You Eze 37:24
433 Lord You are worthy to be praised So, I Praise You Ps 18:3
434 Lord You are pleased in our praises I Praise You
435 Fearful in praises I Praise You Ex 15:11
436 Lord who inhabits the praises of Israel I Praise You Ps 22:3
437 He who dwells between Cherubims I Praise You Isa 37:16
438 The one who dwells in unapproachable light I Praise You 1Tim 6:16
439 The one who dwells in Jerusalem I Praise You Ps135:21
440 He who dwells in Zion I Praise You Joel 3:21
441 Lord, You are gifted to dwell among men So, I Praise You Ps 68:18
442 You dwell with the one who has a contrite and humble spirit So, I Praise You Isa 57:15
443 He who dwells between the shoulder of His beloved I Praise You Deut 33:12
444 He who is seated upon the circle of the earth I Praise You Isa 40:22
445 He who sits enthroned over the flood I Praise You Ps 29:10
446 He who sits in the heaven I Praise You Ps 2:4
447 The Lord who is in His temple I Praise You Ps 11:4
448 The Lord who is upon many waters I Praise You Ps 29:3
449 He who is seated at the right hand of the Father I Praise You Eph 1:20
450 He who treads the high places of the earth I Praise You Amos 4:13
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