A Thousand Praise Offerings [701-750]

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701 The Lord who has driven out from before us great and strong nations I Praise You Josh 23:9

702 Lord, You made me trust when I was upon my mother’s breast I Praise You Ps 22:9

703 You make me lie down in green pastures and You lead me beside the still waters I Praise You Ps 23:2

704 You restore my soul I Praise You Ps 23:3

705 You lead me in the path of righteousness I Praise You Ps 23:3

706 Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, You are with me So, I Praise You Ps 23:4

707 He who turns the shadow of death into morning I Praise You Amos 5:8

708 He who brings the shadow of death into light I Praise You Job 12:22

709 Your rod and Your staff they comfort me So, I Praise You Ps 23:4

710 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies I Praise You Ps 23:5

711 You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over So, I Praise You Ps 23:5

712 Surely Your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life So, I Praise You Ps 23:6

713 Lord Your kindness is before my eyes So, I Praise You Ps 26:3

714 My heart trusted in You and I am helped I Praise You Ps 28:7

715 My times are in Your hands I Praise You Ps 31:15

716 In the time of trouble You shall hide me in Your pavilion in the secret place of Your tabernacle I Praise You Ps 27:5

717 You shall hide me in the secret place of Your presence from the plots on men I Praise You Ps 31:20

718 Lord You have healed me I Praise You Ps 30:2

719 You have kept me alive I Praise You Ps 30:3

720 When my father and mother forsake me, then Lord You will take care of me So, I Praise You Ps 27:10

721 Lord, You shall strengthen my heart I Praise You Ps 27:14

722 You will keep me safe from all the evil thoughts of men I Praise You

723 Lord You have lifted me up I Praise You Ps 30:1

724 You have brought me out of the miry clay I Praise You Ps 40:2

725 You have lifted me out of the horrible pit I Praise You Ps 40:2

726 You who lift me up from the gates of death I Praise You Ps 9:13

727 In famine, You shall redeem me from death I Praise You Job 5:20

728 You have brought my soul up from the grave I Praise You Ps 30:3

729 You have delivered my soul from the depths of sheol I Praise You Ps 86:13

730 You have delivered my soul from death I Praise You Ps 116:8

731 Lord, You made me bold with strength in my soul I Praise You Ps 138:3

732 You have pleaded the case of my soul I Praise You Lam 3:58

733 You have redeemed my soul in peace from the battle which was against me I Praise You Ps 55:18

734 Lord You have redeemed my soul from every distress So, I Praise You 1 Kings 1:29

735 You have granted me life and favour and Your care has preserved my spirit I Praise You Job 10:12

736 Your care preserves my soul I Praise You

737 Your care preserves my body I Praise You

738 My transgression is forgiven So, I Praise You Ps 32:1

739 My sin is covered So, I Praise You Ps 32:1

740 Lord You do not impute the iniquity of mine I Praise You Ps 32:2

741 You forgave the iniquity of my sin I Praise You Ps 32:5

742 You have cast all my sins behind Your back I Praise You Isa 38:17

743 He who said, ” I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes I Praise You Zech 3:4

744 You have forgiven all my iniquities and healed my diseases I Praise You Ps 103:3

745 You have redeemed my life from destruction I Praise You Ps 103:4

746 You have crowned me with loving kindness and tender mercies I Praise You Ps 103:4

747 You have anointed me with fresh oil I Praise You Ps 92:10

748 Lord, You satisfy my mouth with good things I Praise You Ps 103:5

749 You have put a new song in my mouth I Praise You Ps 40:3

750 You shall surround me with songs of deliverance I Praise You Ps 32:7

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